Sunday, January 22, 2006

Poem: Butterfly

...and just ONE MORE Butterfly poem... :)


On my walk today,
I saw a butterfly.
Delicate and free,
I watched it flutter by!
Flitting here and there,
to sample Nature’s best.
Constantly in motion-
determined in it’s quest
to find the sweetest nectar;
though it didn’t linger long.
Elusive, this must be,
for it paused for just a moment,
then was gone.

Like a butterfly,
my thoughts flit here and there.
…Returning, always, to the sweetest nectar-
memories of you.

June Kellum
Feb. 2004


  1. This is one that I associate with because my mind works about that same way - flitting from item to item sometimes with no rhyme or reason. I never know what I will think of next. :) ec

  2. LOL- I'm that way too!

    More and more as I get older, it seems!


  3. June ~ I love your butterfly poems
    and the lovely photo too. Sorry
    to hear about your little poodle.
    Glad you liked The clock of life
    and the Rose. I have printed your poems to read again later.

  4. Thanks,Merle,

    So glad you like my poems.
    (If you could go to my AOL site , I have many of my poems there,too)

    And about the picture....I was so THRILLED that I got the photo thing to work for me...but it worked only one time!! :( My son-in-law tells me I need more memory!
    (ME and my computer both do -in fact!! hahah)
    I'll get it all working , sooner or later!

    Merle, I enjoy the things you put on your site very much. Your site is one of the first I visit every morning!

    My little poodle girl doesn't seem to be feeling bad at all- is just crippled and I don't know why! But she's eating well and seems fine , other than the leg!

