Thursday, January 19, 2006

Poem: For Once I'd Like To Know

...just posting a poem to see if it works!!! (word program)-A little poem of winter, written many years ago!
Looks like it will! :)

I wrote this at a time when my sister was living in Pa, and I in sunny south Flrida!
At times I thought she had the better deal- with the snowy winters- She did not think so! :)

For Once I’d Like to Know

For once I’d like to know the feel of
snowflakes, wet
and cold upon my nose and on my hair…
and yet…

imagine days on days of overcast,
gloomy sky-
without a sight of sunshine-
no birds to sing or fly!

Still…lovely it must be.
The whole world - whitest white!
Transformed so silently -
like magic in the night!

I’m far from winter lands!
So far from ice and snow!
I only can imagine,
can never really know!

Just once I’d like to know,
to really feel somehow…
the touch of snowflakes falling
upon my nose and brow!

June Kellum
(Written in ‘70s)

NOW-I need to tackle the picture thing!!



  1. That seemed to work fine June, a nice poem too. One of my grand daughters has just started a blog, I sent her some stuff today, I'll see if I can copy it and send it to you.

  2. Thanks, Peter!

    (still can't believe I'm in!!)

    The little poem is an old one- but just some winter thoughts on this crisp morning!


  3. It's good to be able to comment back to you on your own turf. I don't have the picture thing myself, just barely smart enough to write. :) ec

  4. Thanks for stopping by mreddie,

    The picture program on the aol site is very easy to do.

    Only problem is- No one can find me there! :) and if they DO find me, find it too hard to post!

    :) maybe you and I both will be able to figure the picture thing out here!
    (some of our smart grandkids can help us!!) :)

    It really makes blogging a lot more fun if we can add pictures!

