Thursday, January 19, 2006

Poem: Today I'll Open Up My Heart

...another little poem...

Today I’ll Open Up My Heart

Today I’ll open up my heart.
The words will flow, to you from me.
All the feelings, guarded, so,
are clamoring to be free.

No longer can I hold it in,
this all-consuming love that’s here.
Now, like a bird, it’s taking flight,
It can’t be caged, I fear!

In time, it’s grown to over flow…
the flimsy space I thought secure!
And now the words, in freedom fly!
I can’t hold them anymore.

I’ll bare my heart to you, my love.
I’ll take my chances, risk the pain…
relying on the old cliché
of ‘Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained.’

June Kellum
Jan. 6, 2006


  1. We are away and running now June!!
    Another nice poem.
    Photos are simple; when you open "new post" there is a bar across the top with lots of icons, click the 2nd last one, then browse your photo files for the one you want,select it and you will get the image/images on your post.
    Experiment it's easy!!

  2. Oooops, I was just entering your site to Merle's blog links and forgot to change back to me, No I'm not a cross dresser!
    OK , I'll email you another couple of thoughts later.

  3. Hi June ~~ It looks like you have
    been able to post your poems - which are very good. I hope you will be able to continue to post. Thanks for your visit and yes it was a good way to start the day after all the drama and worry.
    Have a nice day.

  4. Hi again June ~ I thought my brother Peter must have put that info on for you. I may try to use it as well. At least he owned up.
    Must have been Bubba's blog about honesty. Cheers

  5. LOL-

    I see it's gonna be a lot of fun knowing you two!

    You've both been so good- being so interested in getting me in here!

    ...but about posting pictures- :( that doesn't work for me!! I tried it a couple times already!

    And I HAVE to have pictures!! I'll have to figure it out.

    I'm happy you like my poems Merle-and Peter! This is to both of you!


  6. Lovely poem June. I dabble in it too. This is the first time to your site...I think I'll come back and visit, it that's okay.

  7. Joy Des Jardins,

    Thanks for your visit.
    I'm happy you enjoyed reading my poem.

    This blog is just a couple days old, although I have another one on aol that I have had since last May.

    If things work out for me here I will be re-posting a lot of my poems-etc- from the other one.
    (I am having trouble with putting pics on and I really want to be able to do that!_Hope I can get it worked out!)

    So, you write poems too? I clicked on your name but nothing came up!
    I would love to read yours!

    Visit me as ofen as you like!


  8. Junie, I just clicked on my name...nothing. Don't know why. But, if you go to you should find me. I mix it up with poetry and stories. Thanks Junie...see you soon...

  9. Joy,

    I went, again, to your site and found some of your poems-

    I loved them!

