Monday, January 30, 2006

Poem: We Won't Have This Day Again

...just some thoughts of time passing...

We Won’t Have This Day Again

The summer days are swiftly passing.
Another fall will soon be here.
Winter enters, with a flurry,
and soon is gone - another year!

As we age, each year seems shorter.
In a flash, the days go by.
We come to know our limitations,
if not all the reasons why!

We pick and choose our undertakings…
the things we do from day to day.
We try to fill the empty spaces,
of what we’ve missed along the way.

We know, fully, time is fleeting,
with no way to reign it in!
We take each day and what it offers!
We won’t have this day again!

June Kellum

Some pics of Charles and me.

Center was in 1961-shortly before we were married.
Top and bottom are recent- within the past couple years,
and our VICTORY motorcycle!


  1. The black and white shows two young folks in love - and the fact that you are still together seems to say that it was true. ec

  2. :) Yep- will be 45 years in April.

    I guess you'd say it's working out OK! ;)


  3. June, what a great picture of you and Charles low those many years ago. You made a handsome couple. Your poem was wonderful...just right for these pics.

  4. Thanks,Joy,

    A long time ago, for sure- We will be married 45 years in April....I was a little less than 20-he-6 yrs. older-
    He was a policeman...became a motorcycle cop!
    All those years I was afraid to get on a motorcycle! Lol- until I was past 60! :) NOW- I love riding! I mean, just riding behind him-I don't ride my own!
    (my KIDS would have a fit if I tried that!)


  5. Hello June ~ Some nice photos for
    us to see. And as usual the poem is really good.
    Thanks for your comments on my site. Have a lovely day.

  6. Thanks for reading my site.

    I just read your latest post-am finding your story quite interesting reading.
    You and I seem to have had a lot of the same experiences..


  7. Anonymous11:57 PM

    You’re best! Go!Go!加油
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