Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Third Anniversary

Jan.27th. is the third anniversary of my Mom's leaving us!
Please bear with me because I NEED to do this!

This is Mom.
She was 3 weeks passed her 94th. birthday when we lost her.

She had lived with us for the last 12 years of her life, and it has been
so hard for me to adjust to the loss.
Writing the journal of our early life has helped a little!

She would be happy to know I've done this!
( I hope she does know!)

...Some pics of my mom...



  1. Junie, your mom was a lovely lady...wonderful pictures. Somehow I think she knows too!

  2. June ~~ Lovely pictures and stories about your Mother. She
    looked as though she was bright up to the end. Have a weep, then
    be happy again as she would want.
    Thank you so much for your visit and words. I am so relieved about Julie. She lost 12 kilograms, so
    was lucky to get over it so well.
    Have a lovely day and don't be too sad. You and your Mom were
    both so lucky to have each other for so long.

  3. Thanks Merle,

    Yes, Mom was very bright and beautiful- The pic at Christmas was a pretty recent one.
    She survived cancer for those 12 years, and , tho she had problems as a result of the treatments, we were thankful we had her those additional years-and she loved life so...I think that's what kept her here so long. She loved the family- right down to the Great-grand kids...

    I'm so happy about your daughter.Will you be able to visit her soon? I hope you will.

    I love reading of yours and your brother's lives , growing up. (also-Bubba is writing about his young life!! :) )


  4. Nice pics June, you now know more about posting photos than I do.
    If you go into your settings and check yes to "post comments in a side box" it's easier.

  5. OK Peter, I'll see if I can change that. and I need to get a counter...

    My son-in- law told me it wa my aol browser causing trouble with the pics- so now I use more problem!

    BTW-If you don't post your memories>>> we'll have to believe your sister's version of that plane landing....:)

  6. I know it's tough, especially when she lived with you so long. My Dad passed in 1995 and Mom passed on Mother's day in 1997 - that part was hard until my pastor mentioned that she had gotten the best Mother's day present of all, to be with Jesus. ec

  7. Thanks for your wonderful post, Mreddie.

    It seems selfish of me to still miss her so much when she's in such a much better place now.

