Monday, January 16, 2006



  1. Hi June ~~ A big welcome to your new site which I will visit often.

    Thank you so musch for your good wishes for my daughter. You can;t
    imagine how much I needed Kind words today.

  2. Merle,

    I was happy to hear things went well for your daughter! As a mother, I could imagine what you were going through!

    As for my blog-Although It LOOKS like I'm set up- I'm really not! :(

    I can post on the comments section but am able to make a regular post!

    I DO wish I could get it all figured out!

    Lets see if this one goes! :)

    Anyway,I will keep in touch on your own blog-and perhaps you can visit me at Juniper's World- if this doesn't work out for me!


  3. Hi June. Again many thanks for your visit to my site and your
    words. It sure was wonderful news
    To be so far away at times like this is difficult. But all looks
    great now, and after recovering from the surgery Julie should be
    back to normal.

  4. Merle,

    That's great! I know you are relieved that things went so well! I'll keep sending positive vibes your way!

    ...Still very frustrated about this blog site!...Have a feeling it's some little thing I am overlooking...but I'm unable to post except in the comments section...

    Lol- comments to myself is not what I had hoped for in a new blog-spot!!

    Do you have any suggestions? :) any and all would be appreciated!


  5. Well, prolly the best part about having a blog where ya can't write anything but we can all make smarmy remarks on your non-writings is that you'll never have to take a stand on anything! Nothing, Nadda, Zilch, Zip, Zero, Uooo Gots ....

    This could be kinda cool in its own unique way, cause ya'd never be subject to having to explain anything that ya posted, since ya never posted anything in the first place!!!
    (how is that for twisted logic, ehhh?)

    B-b-bu-but us readers would be allowed to comment and rip ya to shreads over any non-post that ya didn't post:) I like this ... it has "Kick Me Here" written all over it :)

    Seriously though, Junie, welcome to Blogspot and here is hoping that ya can solve all the problems yer having in posting here. Looking forewards to reading yer stuff :)


  6. Well, prolly the best part about having a blog where ya can't write anything but we can all make smarmy remarks on your non-writings is that you'll never have to take a stand on anything! Nothing, Nadda, Zilch, Zip, Zero, Uooo Gots ....<<<

    Lol-and therein lies the rub, MrMoonlight, because Junie has been known to take a Stand or Two in her time! :)

    I'm determined to work things out, Taurean, that I am!

    Thanks for your comments!


  7. Anonymous2:10 AM

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