Monday, February 20, 2006

Eagle Scout Honor

Tomorrow we will be going for an overnight stay at our daughter's house in Orlando. We will attend the ceremony for our grandson, Zachary, and one other young man, as they become Eagle Scouts.

Zach has been involved in scouting since he was old enough to join Cubs. It has been a wonderful and exciting experience for him! ...And has taught him many important life lessons!

' Eagle ' is the highest honor to be acheived in Boy Scouts. We are very proud of Zach, for his dedication in reaching this goal!

Here are some pics of Zach!

Photo #1

Zach with me (Ginga) May, 2005- Zach almost 18- just weeks before his H.S. graduation

Photos #2 &3

Zach- in his younger scouting days


  1. Congratulations to Zach...that IS a wonderful accomplishment. Not everyone stays in scouts long enough to become an Eagle Scout...Kudos. What a proud grandma you are...rightfully so. Nice pics.

  2. Thanks, Joy!

    Indeed, I am VERY proud of Zachy! :)

    I just talked to him on I.M. and told him I did a post on him! :) Maybe he'll come check it out!

    Zach is the only child of my older daughter.
    The other 3 kids are Tina's, my younger daughter.


  3. Anyone that hangs in there and achieves Eagle Scout deserves much recognition!! I know you are proud. ec

  4. :) Yes, I am!
    ...and for many other reasons besides this, too!

    (the other kids, as well, but this is Zach's time!!! )


  5. He's a cutie - that's for sure! And I know how much work it takes to become an Eagle Scout, so congratulations to him!!

  6. Thanks a lot, Skye,

