Monday, February 13, 2006

Gathering of old cops

Today we met with a few of Charles' old buddies from his police service days in Miami. (And some of their wives) We all met for an early dinner at a restaurant in Belleview.(about 20 miles so. of our place.) and then went to one couples' home for coffee and dessert and another hour or so of visiting- and hearing stories of the 'old days!'
An enjoyable time was had by all.

These guys were all on the Metro Dade, Sheriff's Dept. during the same time-some went through the police academy together!
They all go back a long way! :)

So many of the policemen from Miami have retired here in central Florida.
And why not? It's a great place to live!

Here's some pics from our day.....

Photo #1
June-ready to go!

Photo #2
The guys- L to R
Charles, Joey, Bill, Harry, Charlie, Joe, Carl

Photo #3
The wives -L to R
Dolly, June, Linda, Carol, Sandy



  1. Great pictures Junie...looks like a fun group.

  2. ;)

    oh, yah!! For sure!

  3. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Loved the photos. I have a daughter on the Los Angeles Police Force. Check out my post about her As you can see I am very proud of her.

    I also love your poetry. What a talent for writing!

  4. Thanks, Maria,

    I will be sure to read about your daughter!

    -and thanks for your comments about my poems! I just enjoy doing little poems- have all my life! :)

    Oh-how I wish I had saved my diaries from my young years... but I didn't! I bet that would be fun reading from my advanced vantage point now! :)
