Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Moody mood

Last night I had a long, long listen of Moody Blues! Was up with this music until after 1:00 AM ! (4 hours!!)

The Moody Blues, as many others, was just a name I knew of in music but didn't really know a lot about- until the past year!

'Moodies' has become a group I enjoy so very much ! They produced so many beautiful songs!

Below - lyrics of just one of my favorites! It's a beautiful but sad love song.



Forever Autumn

( Moody Blues-Justin Hayward)

The summer sun is fading as the year grows old
And darker days are drawing near.
The winter winds will be much colder
Now you're not here.

I watch the birds fly south across the autumn sky
And one by one they disappear.
I wish that I was flying with them
Now you're not here.

Like the sun through the trees you came to love me.
Like a leaf on a breeze you blew away.

Through autumn's golden gown we used to kick our way,
You always loved this time of year.
Those fallen leaves lie undisturbed now
'Cause you're not here.
'Cause you're not here.
'Cause you're not here.

Like the sun through the trees you came to love me,
Like a leaf on a breeze you blew away.

A gentle rain falls softly on my weary eyes
As if to hide a lonely tear,
My life will be forever autumn
'Cause you're not here.
'Cause you're not here.
'Cause you're not here.


...and for the'Rest of the Story' of my music listens of last night....go here! :)



  1. Yay Moodies, Hi June, thanks for calling in to fostersfarm, I don't know how that will go yet, certainly not a lack of talent, more a lack of time, heres hoping.
    On your sidebar you havetwo Edit Me spots, you can access these from blogger, change settings, template,Scrool down near the bottom you'll find those Edit Me (with some html around them) copy and paste until you have a few more than you need, NOW,
    put your cursor before the "E" of Edit Me and type in the URL you want on your blogroll, thats, say, for mine, now delete thre Edit Me,
    Next put your cursor before the "e" in edit me and type in Peter or holtieshouse, note, what you type in here is all you will see in your blogroll, once you've done that delete the edit me, save your changes then republish your blog.
    You now have a link on your blogroll, test it, if it works OK you can put in a batch at a time, always check they work.

  2. Hi Peter,

    Thanks again for your help. I'll give it a try soon (have a headache tonight so will probably leave it for a little later! ) I feel bad because you and others have me on your blog-roll and I haven't done that yet!

    Yes, I checked out your daughter's blog- also went to your son's and the grandkids too!! :)
    The thing with blogs is you can devote as much or as little time as you feel like- or can spare!
    I have a LOT of time so I'm always there!

    Moodies!!! Yep- they are NEW to me but I LOVE what I have heard! fact am exploring a lot of the classic rock of the 60-70s, as you probably read in my blog.

