Monday, February 27, 2006

Poem: What Do You See?

...another poem of pondering life...

What Do You See?

What do you see when you look at me?
Does my spirit show?
Is it shining through?

Or is it buried beneath layers of apathy?
Have I lost sight of what is real
- of what is true?

Tell me, I implore, my friend.
Do you see love and feelings there?

…Enthusiasm and joy for living?
…Or, are my heart and my soul - frigid and bare?

Have I relinquished, to whims of others,
myself - my individuality?

From my vantage point it’s hard to determine,
just, precisely, how much is left of me!

June Kellum


  1. June ~~ I like the poem - as usual.
    Thanks for your comments on new site.
    We hoped by changing the template, my
    troubles would be over. Not so, but Peter is still working on it. I hpe you are having a good week. Cheers.

  2. Ahh- that's too bad... still, maybe he can figure things out for you.

    AS for me- had a doctor's appt. yesterday- so have to pick up some new perscriptions today...thankfully- nothing major! Just more $$$!!:)

    Oh, well!!

