Sunday, March 19, 2006

Celebrating Dan's B'day

Today we celebrated our oldest grandson's 23rd. birthday. Not all the family were able to be here and were missed! :(

Here's a few pics from our day!
It was a good one!

The family members:
Daniel, Brian, Alli (my grandkids)
Tina & Marc (My daughter & Son-in-law)
Charles (My husband)
ME!! ( Junie-AKA-GINGA)

some close ups of Me and Alli
-and Me (Junie) caught in the act with my KISSES and coffee!


  1. Hi June ~~ Some good photos there of
    some of your family. I love photos ~
    specially of family.

    I agree, nice photo of Peter.
    Cheers, Merle.

  2. Thanks for visiting me, Merle!

    We had a good day today, but missed the ones not here!

    Lol! I hope people don't get sick of seeing my pictures because I LOVE photos !


  3. My, what a nice looking family. I for one, never get sick of looking at anyones' photos.

  4. Thanks, Mike,

    I have always liked having photos and seeing photos of other people too!

    I have fun with my photos on here! Seems there's ones that FIT anything I decide to write about!
    Thanks for your visit.


  5. Good-looking group of folks there - I have always liked family gatherings, for just any ole reason. ec

  6. Thanks, Mreddie,

    Nothing more fun than being with family!


  7. So nice to see your daughter's family Junie. Good looking group that they are. I know you hade a great day with all of them. Happy Birthday to your grandson.

    We talked about having so many things in common...well, birthdays too. Today is my son, Joe's, birthday..which I posted something about. We had a nice day too.

  8. Thanks for your visit,Joy,

    Actually, Dan's birthday was the 16th. but we had to arrange a convient time to get together! We had a fun time, but missed the ones who couldn't be here!

    I read your poem at your site about your little baby boy, Joe!
    I enjoy reading your poems SO much!


  9. Well Ms. Ginga (lol, that's what we call our dog Ginger sometimes), the only thing I have trouble with here is that you don't look old enough to have a 23-yr old grandson! You must have been a child bride ;)

  10. Hi Carolyn,

    First- Yes, I was a child bride, and thinking back, I realize just HOW MUCH a child I really was! I was barely 18 when my first baby was born. SO- almost 42 when I became a granny!

    :) By the way, the name GINGA was given to me by this first grandson, Dan!
    Charles and I wanted to be Granddaddy and Granny- but our little Dan gave us the names of-'Gabbo' and 'Ginga!' But it's GINGA with a hard 'G'- I bet your doggie is with the soft 'G' -as Ginger is pronounced!

    I have always rather enjoyed the unusual title of 'Ginga' instead of the usual 'Grandmother' or Grandma' or 'Granny.' :) AND , we became Ginga and Gabbo to almost everyone who knows us- of family members and friends of all the kids and grandkids!

    Kinda fun!! :)


    AKA Ginga

  11. It's a great looking crew you've got there, JunieRose!

  12. Thank, Stringman,

    We who have families are very blessed! :)

