Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Cypress Knees

Here's what can be done with Cypress Knees!

These are some examples of what I used to do with my spare time in the days B C ! (Before Computer!)
Yep! Another FUNNY from my husband- that 'Before Computer' title!

I DO miss doing these crafts and want to get back into it...but now there's this Blogging thing to deal with! :)

Anyway-hope you enjoy the pics!

Cypress Knees and Cypress Knee Santas


  1. Junie, I LOVE THESE! They're beautiful. I'm a huge arts and crafts person too! Haven't done much the last few years either. I used to a LOT of knitting and crocheting too...not so much anymore. Blogging has replaced a lot of things. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pieces.

  2. Joy,

    Thanks! Yes, I was really into crafting a few years ago and not only these Cypress santas. I also did papier mache santas and other figures and a lot of gourd work! At times I would be working into the wee hours of morning to fill orders I had taken for Santas!
    ...and I have also been into crochet work but never did learn how to knit!

    If nothing else I think I will make for myself a gourd birdhouse - SOON! I made a lot of them to sell and as gifts but never kept one for myself!

  3. Anonymous11:37 AM

    That is the way life is June. The proverbial Shoemaker's son went barefoot. We made candles, pillars and figurines, for a time and sold or gave away most of them.. Now it is knit or crochet things or we make jam to again give away. But I do manage to keep a few jars of jam for our use.

    The Santas are beautiful and I'm sure you are proud of them.

  4. Thanks,

    I have kept several of my santas- of all the kinds I made, and yes, I am proud of them! I'm a BIG santa person, anyway, so just got the idea to start making them! Went a little wild for as I tend to do with things !

    ..but I never kept a gourd bird house and they are nice! Most of the ones I made were the Sunflower design, but I did make a few Tropical ones with Palm trees and sail boats! :) That was a special requests from a lady in south Florida!

    Lol- I had one friend who wanted a John Lennon gourd figure or bowl, but I never tried to do that! I guess I was afraid of disappointing her as she is a Beatles Fanatic!! :)

    My most prized possession is a fine crochet tablecloth that my mom made when she was pregnant with me... She felt it fitting to give it to me because of the time she made it! I treasure it!
