Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Forever Sarah

I listened to Sarah McLachlan again last night, late into the night! I was able to get my cracked 'Fumbling Towards Ecstasy,' copied, (Thanks, Alli) so I played the 4 cds that I have! Yes!! All four! :)

...'Afterglow' and 'Surfacing' remain my favorites! I need to get 'Touch' , I have been told by other Sarah fans, to compare and see how she changed from her early albums to later ones! I know I will like it because I like ALL that I have heard of her!

I was up very late! I often drink coffee late in the day and it's impossible to consider sleep until very late...or very early in the
AM, more like it!!

But-I had a fun time with my music!

At this point in my life I just want to do the things I find pleasure in! Music is a big part of that!


Dental appt. at 1:00 today! I have one more crown to have done...I HOPE only one more!

Later this week I hope I can begin to get my rose garden in order! They are starting to bloom, in spite of my neglect! :)


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