Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Poem: It's Over

...and a sad poem...

It’s Over

As so often they have done before, they meet.
She won’t cry this time. That’s all been done.
They’ll greet, with warmest hugs, and kisses sweet,
both knowing that their ending has begun.

She’ll hold the tears inside. She’ll give him this…
the sweetest memories he can ever know!
She’ll brush away his sadness with a kiss.
And hold him like she’ll never let him go!

She won’t cry tonight, she’ll bravely smile.
They’ll play their music - songs they both hold dear.
She’ll try to chain the moments - make them last-
knowing well their end is drawing near.

He’ll tell his jokes the way he’s always done.
One last time he’ll lift her spirits, so!
And even though she feels her heart will break…
it all must end… they have to let it go!

They won’t talk of why it has to be.
It’s all been said. The answers, they both know.
They’ll play their music, softly. They’ll embrace,
holding tight, not wanting to let go!

She won’t cry tonight, not while he’s near.
To see her tears would add more to his pain.
If she’s able, she will spare him this.
Later, tears will come like falling rain!

June Kellum


  1. Anonymous9:25 PM

    A beautiful piece. I had a time in my life that you have described poignantly. Your poem touched me and brought back so many memories.

  2. Maria,

    Life has some sad spots for us all, but isn't it SO worth it? I think so!


  3. That is a very nice poem June, thanks.

  4. Thanks for your visit and comment, Peter!

    BTW-enjoyed viewing your pics of your trip! Looks like you had a fine time!


  5. June ~~ Loved the poem-- as usual !!
    Cheers, Merle

  6. Thank you for always reading my little poems! :)


  7. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Memories flooded over me as I read these words. Yes it was sad then and it is sad to think back now. But life would not be worth living if we hadn't experience those times.

  8. It gives me satisfaction that I am able to touch people with my poems.

    ...makes me realize how much we all have in common. We have all experienced the same joys and sorrows in our lives...just the places and the faces are different!

    I agree with you; it all adds up to making our lives worth living.

    Thanks for your visit and comments.

