Monday, March 27, 2006

Poem: This Day That God Has Given

It's just a beautiful day today!

This is a poem I wrote on ANOTHER beautiful day!

This Day That God Has Given

This day that God has given-
such beauty to embrace-
let’s not squander it, my love.
Let’s readjust our pace.

The flowers of the meadow-
the countryside, so green-
let’s take the time to drink it in,
not let it go, unseen.

Let’s not neglect to look around!
So blue, the sky, above!
See all the wonders that abound...
He’s given with His love!

Let’s slow down just a little,
to appreciate it’s worth;
this life that God has given,
and the beauty of our earth.

June Kellum
Sept. 2005


A beautiful old church we saw on one of our rides

Some of our cows and babies

Oak tree in our back yard


  1. I LOVE THIS! Your words are beautiful Junie....and the picture with it....perfect! Thanks.

  2. I'm happy you like the little poem!

    It's simple but says a lot with just a few words.

    Thanks for visiting! :)


  3. Lovely, Junie - the poem and pictures both! :)

  4. Thanks so much, Skye.


  5. Junie,
    I've seen your name at Kenju's and thought I'd like to visit. So glad I did. Thanks for the comment at my place. I look fowrard th chatting with you here and there.

  6. Hi June ~~ Enjoyed the poem and the pictures. Where do you find the time, let alone the talent?
    Cheers, Merle.

  7. Merle,

    Got lots more time than talent! :)

    ...Taking pictures has always been a love of mine! Every event must be documented with pics! :)

    ...and the poems have always been with me too! Not that they are that great -but I enjoy doing them!
    It's something I got from MOM! :)

    Thanks for visiting!

  8. Lucyd,

    So glad you stopped by!



  9. All of us would be better off to slow down a little to enjoy the things around us. Is that a swing on the oak tree? Very picturesque church and a little unusual. ec

  10. Yes , that's a swing on the oak tree. All the grandkids played on that swing! our boys were just ages 1-3- and 5 when we moved here and Alli,and granddaughter not here yet! They all grew up here! Sweet memories!

    That BBQ grill in the background helped us feed up to 80 + ppl some years for my Mom's birthday-reunions! We did that from her 80TH B'day until her 93rd!

    I think that church is just beautiful. I got that shot while riding on the motorcycle with Charles! :)

