Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Poem: Today I Feel So Restless & To blog or Not to blog

To blog or Not to blog....

...that is the question!

And the answer probably should be NO for today, since I'm in such a down mood. I feel like I am just floundering with no direction !

One reason is I had a restless night- bad dreams!
... And , someone , please tell me dreams do not mean anything!!! If they do I'm in Big trouble!

Looking out my window I see lots of things to make me feel happy! It's a perfect spring day- the kind that usually brings a smile to my face! Maybe the day can eventually work it's magic on me! I hope so!

I am listening to Jackson Browne today and although I love his music he tends to write sad lyrics so maybe it's not my best choice for today!

Could be worse though, I could be playing Leonard Cohen :)

( a feeble attempt at a joke- so things are looking up!! :) )


...a sad poem to fit my mood...

Today I Feel So Restless

Today I feel so restless, with nothing calling me.
Nothing grabs my interest, or guides me to explore.
There’s naught I want to do - no folks I want to see.
So I’ll pull my shades and stay behind my door!

There’s stacks of books I’ve hoarded, for days just like today,
and music I’ve been meaning to give a listen to.
There’s phone calls I should make, and bills that I could pay!
But my life’s on Hold, because I’m missing you!

It’s, so, like a paralysis, this inability.
I find it all so taxing… to move myself along.
The simple chores of living are not what they should be,
becoming worse each day that you are gone.

I’ll make it through this day. I know I will, somehow.
Tomorrow - I might be with you again.
Just seeing you once more, will change my WOE to smiles.
Until that time this loneliness will win!

June Kellum


  1. Sometimes sad days are the days on which it's BEST to blog, Junie! Hope things will feel brighter for you soon. And let's HOPE dreams don't mean anything, or else I think we're ALL in big trouble!! :)

  2. Thanks, Skye,

    Yep, if you can't complain to your own blog site- what's left? :)

    I think of my blog as I used to my diary when I was a young girl, :) and I have to be honest and write my true feelings- or not write at all!

    I guess we need some sad times to appreciate, fully, the happy ones!

    ...All part of the plan!


  3. Well, I'm glad you didn't let your down mood keep you from posting. You put your feellings out there, and that's good.
    I hope your day gets better.
    I'm sorry you had bad dreams. They can seem so real and they can be scary too.

  4. Thanks, Jamie Dawn,

    I have felt better as the day passed!
    ...And I expect tomorrow to be a fine day! :)

    I'm glad you came to read me, anyway, and wasn't put off by my depressed mood!


  5. I think we all get those days, don't we? Even living here in the Sunshine State. You're right though, some of Jackson Brown's songs are depressing, but his songs aren't easily put out of one's mind. The tunes just seem to linger, for me anyway.

  6. Doug,

    Thanks for your visit!
    I'm always happy to welcome a new visitor to Junie's Place- ;) especially
    someone from my state!

    Today was such a beautiful, Fl. spring day...hard to see how one could be depressed, in such a time and place, eh?

    ...As the day moved along I felt better, though!

    In fact-am listening to Jackson Browne again! :) He's one of my favorites- from way back! I consider him one of the best song writers in the business!

    Not his fault I was feeling blue today- so I'm making it up to him! :)


  7. My favorite genre of music is contemorary gospel and when I'm feeling low, I put on some of this and praise my way to feeling better. Works every time for me. ec

  8. You may not have written that lovely poem if you never had sad days June.

  9. June, your words are no stranger to me. As I read your poem I felt like it was written for me too. The one word that grabbed me was "paralysis." I've used that at least 3 times in the past few months to describe my feelings when I'm down. It's like my body and mind locks up and I'm nonfunctioning for a day or two.

    Hope you're feeling much better today. :)

  10. Thanks,Mreddie,

    ...for reading my blog and your comments.
    I love gospel music too-my mom always did and I have a lot that was hers, in my collection.

  11. Peter,

    Thank you!

    Well, we all have low periods but , if we're lucky, more
    happy times than sad.

    Writing my feelings down has always been a way of getting through the bad times for me.

    So -you all ( MY BLOG READERS) are sometimes faced with the decision of ...'To read or not to read' June's gloomy blog!! :) I'm happy you did!

    Of course that particular poem was not written yesterday but the mood fit, if not all the circumstances.

    I'm happy to say today is looking good!! :)


  12. Carolyn,

    Thanks so much for your visit and comments.

    I suppose many people can identify with that 'paralysis' word in describing depression and maybe just the Blues, too!

    I'm happy to say today is a brighter day for me! :)


  13. June ~~ So glad you are feeling better.
    Sorry you felt so down for a while, but happy it did not last.
    Thanks for comments on Herons Nest.
    I think getting into those leotards
    would be all the exercise necessary.
    Cheers, Merle.

  14. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for your kind words. Yes, I'm feeling better- but still haven't got to my gardening chores. Oh, well, there's always tomorrow! :)

    Take Care,

