Friday, March 24, 2006

a very small meme-

O.K. I just got tagged by Carolyn at The Ginger Quill.

She only wants to know 3 things!
LOL- I guess all the rest of my secrets have already been shared here!


What is my favorite game?

We had a long-time game going on a music forum . One person would give opening lines of a song and another (whoever had the answer) would give the title and singer and whatever else info you wanted to give! All done on a message forum! It was FUN! I don't know if it's really a game but we called it that! :)

What is a guilty pleasure I have??

I love candles...I love the scented candles I get in the grocery store. They're not expensive and smell wonderful; apple pie, cinnamon, vanilla...all those good cooking smells! I burn them almost daily!

( some say I burn my candles from both ends! :) but I don't! )

The best gift I ever received?

Gifts of music and the time spent listening...

Now- I am supposed to tag 3 others with these same 3 questions.

I will pick:

Peter - Of Holtieshouse

Doug -Of humorboybydoug

T T & T - Of Tall Tales and Truisms

( If the 3 of you don't follow through I'll know you're not reading my blog! :) )



  1. #1
    What is my favorite game?

    This one. (what the hecky is a 'tag' anyways?)

    What is a guilty pleasure I have??

    Thats easy! When driving: speeding, running red lights, weaving in and out of heavy traffic, and tailgating all while yapping on a cell phone.
    It's a wonderful hobby of mine .... :)

    The best gift I ever received?

    Christmas 1968: The Beatles "Hey Jude" 45, and a record player to play it on. Like yours, the gift of music :)

    Did I pass the test?


  2. :) you passed it with flying colors!

    But I think yer supposed to TAG 3 people that you know-(bloggers)- to give away their secrets, too!!

    Just a kinda fun way of getting to know each other a little better!


  3. I've played that song game you mentioned. I'm good at it. Although I'm better at it when they play the opening notes of the song -- sort of a 'name that tune'.

    Your #3 is good, too :)

  4. Thanks for your visit and comments, Stringman!

    That music game was a lot of fun and led to some good discussions, too.

    Yep, as to my #3...
    there's no better gift than music!

    ( My music last night was The Who -MSG '04 concert )


  5. Came over here from Caroline's to see what you posted for the three little Meme's. I was not actually tagged and didn't tag anyone else either. I just like posting my pictures and a little verbiage about them. I probably don't do it like a REAL blogger would (because I don't know any better). Or... I am may just be LAZY I guess! ~ jb///

  6. LZ Blogger,

    It's good to have you visit!

    I have been to your site, too, and love viewing the pics you post on there!

    :) We all do our blogging in our own way! With me I guess it's 'Over Kill' but I'm having fun doing it! ;)


  7. Hi June,
    Favourite game; Trivial Pursuit, it blends well with my trivial mind.

    Guilty pleasure; Deleting memes from my computer.

    Best gift; Well now that would be telling, but it involved my ex and a lot of pink ribbon.

    Sorry but with my view on memes I'm not gonna pass this on.

  8. Good answers Junie! And I love those scented candles too-- especially if they're on sale (as in my #2 answer, lol!)

  9. OOOPS!

    Sorry, Peter,

    I'm new to these parts ya know! Someone should have warned me
    that you hate memes!


    ...At least it was a little one!

