Saturday, April 01, 2006

Happy Birthday Gabbo!

Today was a happy family time for us, celebrating 'Gabbo's' birthday.
We were sorry Dan (oldest grandson) couldn't be here-
and that Brian had to leave early for work!

Hard to get used to the fact that my boys are grown
and have obligations that sometimes keep them away!
Such is life!

Anyway, a few happy photos to share here!


Zach (grandson) has learned to juggle! :) Amazed me! I tried it but didn't do too well with it!!

Alli (our granddaughter) & Gabbo

ME (Ginga) with Daughter,Tam & her son, Zach & Daughter Tina (far right) & her daughter , Alli

Brian (grandson) and Gabbo (My husband, Charlie)

Charles with sons-in law - L to R-Terry , Charles, Marc
:) I kidded my sons -in- law, saying I was gonna ask my blog readers to pick the 71 year old Birthday Boy! LOL! you see , they all have gray beards so it might not be that easy!
:) They knew I was kidding them!

Gabbo & Zach , with the gift Zach found for him; an old toy John Deere tractor! COOL!! I LOVE that!

ME (Ginga) Alli and Zach- caught up in a 3 way hug!! :) Those kids can hug SO good!! :)

Our family group! (Charles opening gifts) Left-to Right- Tina, Dad, Mom, Tammy & Chris

June & Charles


  1. Great, fun photos!

    Happy Birthday!! Many more!!

    Family is what matters most in life.

  2. Thanks, Jamie Dawn.

    We had a grand time! :)


  3. Happy, Happy Birthday Charles. What great photos of all of you Junie. It's pretty obvious how much fun you have together.

  4. Thank you, Joy!

    Yes, it was a really fine week-end around here- so far!

    Congrats to you! I just read of your new addition to your family! How wonderful!


  5. Thanks for sharing, Juni. Family times are the best. I like your husband's beard. He looks very distinctive. Does he get to play Santa every year? :)

  6. Stringman,

    Lol! Yep, he's been my Santa for about 46 years now- We will celebrate 45 years married later this month-and dated for a year before we married!

    Of course , he didn't start out looking like Santa!

    He reminded me of ELVIS when he was young! :)

