Friday, April 14, 2006

New hair-new truck

Some Photos-Enjoy!

Another day of living with my haircut has made me more accepting of it-but still I plan to re-do it before the days end!

Was talking to a Beatle friend last night who had seen the pictures and got a real kick out of my new style, reminding me it was a female version of the Beatles' style, in the early years!
(mop-top- or Pudding Basin) :) I AM a Beatles Fan but didn't go for the hair style for that reason! In fact- didn't GO for it at all!
....Want my curls back! :)


Other news around Junie's place...

Charlie bought a new truck! It's a Nissan-Titan...very nice! Only problem is, I need a step put on to be able to get into it easily! :) It's BIG! I will probably not drive it at all!
It's very plush and we will take a trip to Alabama in it, in July. Charles has a family reunion in North Alabama every year! We'll probably go to Pensacola, Fl, before then , to visit his 2 sisters! It will be a good way to travel.

We took a ride late yesterday - in search of some sunset shots- but were a little too late! However, got this pretty horse farm scene at twilight!



  1. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Living with a new hair style can be devastating. I have a wonderful beautician but when I am out of town and have to go someone else, it is always disaster time.

    By the way, I like the new look. What though is important is how you feel about it.

  2. Hi Maria,

    Thanks for your comments.

    :) I'm ok with the hair by now...It's just a little thing, really!

    ...Going to shampoo and re-do it myself and see how that goes! I must say it FEELS better to have that long hair gone! :)


  3. That is a big mutha truck! Does that haircut have you singing "Help" ... "Run for your Life" ... or "We can work it out"?

  4. Stringman,

    Yah, a BIG big I can barely get into it! :)

    ...And that hair cut...I have been trying to 'Get Back!' Never expected this to happen 'When I'm 64!' But it did! :)

    AHH...Just "A Day in The Life' I go down that'Long and Winding Road'...
    but it doesn't mean 'I'm a Loser' does it! :)


  5. Thanks, Kyle,

    I LOVE the truck but I probably won't drive it...SOOO BIG!!
    Am looking forward to going on a trip in it!

    The hair...well- I guess it's not that bad ! Lol- didn't think of it being 'Beatle-like' until a friend brought it to my attention! hahaha!

    Anyway- tonight I plan to shampoo and see if I can'GET BACK'(Beatles)to where I once belonged!

