Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Poem: Lovey-Dovey

...a poem about farm life... :)

This is for my kids who shared knowing Lovey-Dovey!


Lovey-Dovey was a chick
that we all grew to love.
She was all white and fluffy-
never bigger than a dove.

She was hatched, as children peeked
inside the box we’d fixed!
Such wonder on each little face
as eggs turned into chicks!

Right away, she caught my eye,
this tiny, fluffy ball.
I saw, beside the other chicks,
she was, indeed, so small!

She never seemed to fear our touch,
as other hatchlings would.
The children gave
her cuddles, too,
as often as they could!

They held her, oh so gently,
being careful not to squeeze.
And if they ventured out with her,
would shield her from the breeze.

We called her Lovey-Dovey, almost from the start.
That name was perfect for her, for the way she touched each heart!

Time would come when I would have to put her with the rest
…this little hen that we had grown to love the very best!

Still, I’d visit her each day, and she’d always come to me.
She’d coo, just like a little dove, this hen that I’d set free!

I’d cuddle her a little bit, before I put her down.
Much as a little puppy, she would follow me around.

She liked the treats I’d bring her…the corn - and this - as well…
chilled eggs I’d give her from my fridge! She sipped, right from the shell!

In the evenings I would check to see her safely perched.
Sometimes a light was needed as among the leaves I searched.

I had this dread of losing her - and knew how sad I’d be!
But the pain and pleasure balanced out, for letting her live free!

June Kellum


Alli and Zach (grandkids) holding Lovey

Lovey-about to have a chilled treat! :)

Lovey and Big Boy!
She was a TINY hen - and he was a BIG rooster!

I found a coffee cup with the name ' Lovey-Dovey' on the inside!

I got this little fluffy hen as a Christmas gift from my sister this past Christmas!
She reminds me a lot of Lovey-Dovey!



  1. Wow, what a cool poem and tribute to your little Lovey-Dovey! That is a perfect name for her too. I really enjoyed this one and the pictures, June :)

  2. :) Thanks, Carolyn.

    Lol- one of those weird things about me... the way I can become so deeply attached to things!


  3. What a beautiful, teeny-tiny hen!! She's just adorable, and I can see why you'd get attached to her. I had no idea hens would eat eggs... seems like cannibalism or something!! Ha! :)

    I love the poem too.

  4. I had no idea hens would eat eggs... seems like cannibalism or something!! Ha! :)<<<

    :) you're right! It does ! :)
    But I don't think Lovey ever made that connection!
    She really loved sipping those COOL eggs! She would sip them right from my hand, too, tho I don't have a picture of that!

    The sweetest thing was the way, she would come up to me and allow me to pick her up...and she would make this little HEN sound; her way of talking to me!

    She was a cool little pet!


  5. JuniRose, I have to say that this is the best hen poem I've ever read. I have to say also it's the only one I've ever read. But it's sweet, it's sincere, and it's a very nice tribute to a hen that was clearly dear to your family.

  6. LOL!! Thanks,Stringman!

    but there must be others...How about The little Red Hen'....something about ..the sky is falling...

    :) This is just one side of me- seldom seen! My love of little hen!!! hahaha


  7. Anonymous11:13 PM

    A wonderful poem about a a beautiful little hen and a touching relationship between the two of you.

    Eating the egg does seem a little like cannibalism, but my African Gray Parrots love to eat chicken. We find ourselves asking them if they would like a little "cousin" for dinner. Pretty gross, huh.

  8. Thanks Maria,

    She was a sweetie- but part of it was sharing that time with the grandkids too! All that was fun for them!

    Lol- I don't know why I ever gave her that first egg- but she did love them!

    Lol- and your parrots eating their cousins is kinda funny too! :)


  9. That's another good poem June, pet hens are not common.

  10. What a lovely, sorry for the pun, story.

    I had chickens for a while at the last place I lived, and when my grandaughter Aimee came for the school holidays she just loved one in particular, she called her Maria, she was a cuckoo. Aimee would go the the pen, and just gently pick her up and then she would sit nursing her for hours.

    Next holidays the same thing, she was so tame and really loved being handled.

    When I had to move, Maria went to my friends, and Aimee would have to go out to see her as soon as she arrived.

    cheers jacqui

  11. Thanks Peter, for reading my rambling posts and poems...

    Lol- bet folks never know what to expect from me, by now!

    It was fun-doing all the farm stuff when the kids were young (the grandkids) and the little hen-Lovey- turned out to be one of our most treasured pets during that time!


  12. Hi Jacqui,

    Thanks for your visit!
    LOL- did you run into Peter? He was just here! :)

    So you, too, have had chickens! If given personal attention they become very tame and fun 'pets!' I can understand your granddaughter getting attached to them- or to one special one.

    I miss having them but don't expect I'll have any more.

    One of my earliest memories is of being with mom in our chicken yard and looking at new baby chicks!...I had this special one that I called a teddy bear because it was a soft , fluffy brown1 I accidently stepped on it and killed it! I was no more than 3 years old but I remember it so well. That was a bad time for me!

    ;) I have always liked chickens!


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