Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Real Junie is back!

OK-The Real Me is back! No more Beatles Look-a-Like!

These pics are of the Chili cook-off -party we went to today!
You can see my chili in a bowl- but it didn't win! :(
Should have ! It was GOOD! :) Lol- I'm sure they All were, tho!
There were probably 10 enteries!

Anyway, we had fun.
Charles enjoyed visiting with old friends that he doesn't
see often, from his police days!

Now-I am doing eggs! Yep, even tho I have no kids to
hunt them I am doing them anyway!! I miss those old days!


Charles and me at home (with my hair back to normal)
Several scenes at the party
Allison and me!!



  1. Hi June ~~ Your hair looked quite nice,
    but it is more familiar now you have done it. The cook out looked like fun
    Enjoy the rest of Easter. Cheers, Merle.

  2. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Hi Junie, I seem to have missed several days somewhere, thanks for your visit.

    I love christmas, but can't keep the deco's up all the time. so Walter bought me a beautiful doll house with a shop attached, which I have made into a christmas toy shop, and can keep the doll house decorated for christmas all year round.

    I just loved the christmas decorations when I was in the US in 1997. Because it is the middle of the summer here, it's hard to get the same effect.

    Lke your hair back to normal.

  3. Merle,

    Yes the gathering was fun,especially for Charles seeing some of his old friends he has worked with in the past.

    :) I like my hair being back to my usual style, but shorter! No way could I have kept that straight style anyway, doing it myself. Too much work keeping it straight! :)


  4. Hi Jacqui,

    Yes, I feel better having my old hair style back- more like 'June!' :)

    I have always loved Christmas things too- especially Santas- I have a huge collection of all kinds! I posted some of my craft santas on here...(somewhere in archives) I keep a lot of them out all year, in a special cabinet!

    Your doll/Christmas house sounds lovely!

    Thanks for visiting me!


  5. Chili- yum! Sounds like it was a fun and tasteful day. And your hair looks great ;)

  6. Yes, it was fun!

    and-Yes-I'm happy to have my normal hair back again!

    Hope you're having a happy day!


  7. Your hair looks GREAT now, Junie! :)

  8. Your hair looks GREAT now, Junie! :)

  9. Thanks, Skye,

    Never again will I let anyone near my hair with a blow dryer and brush!! LOL

