Saturday, May 20, 2006

Another Saturday Ride

We just got back from a most enjoyable ride. The weather is just perfect for riding the Victory!!

We rode up to Gainesville, stopping along the way at the Payne's Prairie boardwalk! This is an elevated walk, with wire and rails, built out into the swampy area! I had hoped to see some gators- but didn't! The water flowers and wildflowers along the roadside were just beautiful! The Cattails, one of my favorite plants, were just the way I like to see them!!

NOTE: I have had this thing with Cattails for years. Every fall I use them in decorating. They are perfect in fall flower arrangements! I spray the heads with a spray varnish . Doing this, they will sometimes last for years!

We had lunch at Hogan's Heros -our favorite sandwich place in the whole world!!

Stopped at McIntosh on the way home, at some antique places-and a teashop for a glass of Iced tea; before making our way on home.


Some shots of me enjoying the ride.
Charles and me at the wildlife stop- with cattails and other plants

How about those GAS PRICES!! :) (LOL-DON'T WE WISH!)



  1. We had cattails where I grew up in central NY. My brother and I played with them all the time.

    I don't see them much (if at all) out here but maybe I'm in the wrong part of the state.

  2. Hi Ann,

    There's just something very appealing about the look of them for me! (cattails)
    They just look like FALL to me-and they're really not...they grow in spring and summer and by fall they have just blown away! ;) That's why I like to preserve them with varnish!


  3. You guys seem to know how to have a good time - enjoyed the photos. ec

  4. Thanks, ec, for always sharing in our little adventures! :)

    Yes, We do have fun. We live in a great place and enjoy reasonably good health !
    Couldn't ask for more!


  5. It really does look like a beautiful day, and you and Charles look very happy. It's pretty obvious how much you both love your Victory rides.

  6. Thanks for visiting, Joy.

    yes, we both love riding the Victory and feel blessed that we are able to do it!


  7. Hi June, no 'gators today, I heard somewhere on TV some estimate of their numbers, I THINK they said 40 million?? that sounds like a LOT.

  8. :) Peter,

    Nope-didn't see any gators-but I'm sure they were out there!
    But I felt safe enough behind that wire fence.

    You may have heard recently of the 3 ppl killed by gators in central Florida-all three women- and all in span of one week!! One was not far from us- In the Ocala National Forest! (15 miles or so)

    Charles says that estimate is way too high...but they are still on the endangered list! They can be hunted by permit only- and a limit on them...also a size limit...he says 12 ft. size!

