Thursday, May 04, 2006

Charlie's Trellis (post #2 of 5-4 '06)

Charles’ budding career as a landscape artist and expert trellis builder!

Here in our area we have a wild vine that comes up every late spring. Its called Cypress Vine…has little star shaped, bright red flowers, and beautiful, lacy foliage! It DOES tend to just take over and I noticed recently a zillion (at least) little plants are up-and with nowhere to run!! They just pop up everywhere - take over the garden if I’m not diligent!

They are well worth the effort if you can contain them. In years past we have had a nice trellis walk-through from the garage ramp into the back yard and this is where I’ve tried to keep them…however… trellises rot away after a few years! I know this to be a fact as that’s exactly what happened to my cypress vine trellis- more than 3 years ago! Since then it has been nothing but a bare, naked skeleton, missing all trellis panels. Last year the Cypress vines were running rampant through my roses or wherever they wanted to go!

Today, after being outside and seeing the little plants popping up- next to where the trellis used to be- I decided to present Charles with my desire (not new!) of having the trellis re-built!
I said the words and without hesitation he went outside…(great husband-right??)

Now, wait a minute…I expected we would figure what we would need in materials…
map out a plan-make a trip to the garden shop!

LOL! Was I ever wrong!

Next sight out my window is Charlie with scrap pieces of latticework…uncut boards of various sizes… his hammer and nails!!

Behold his finished handiwork! :)

There was a time in my past when this would have upset me…and perhaps if I didn’t know the fast growing habits of this little vine I might be more upset now! I’ll post pics in a few weeks of the covered trellis…but for now- here is Charlie’s trellis in all its glory! :)
He DID say he will re-do it in the fall when it’s cooler!

That mop hanging there adds character, don’t you think!!

My daughter works for a design firm in Orlando- I’m thinking of suggesting they hire her dad as a designer…if not that, surely, he could get on, in the carpentry dept!!

LOL- Is this my birthday present, C.? :)

(having fun in Anthony!)


  1. Magnificent Charles, Bravo.... bravo... Author... author.

    Y'know there is a plastic non-rot variety trellis available now? I'm just sayin'

  2. Anonymous10:10 PM

    You have a wonderful sense of humor and I guess every wife needs that more than anything. I think I must be married to a brother of your Charles because he would have built something very similar.

  3. LOL- Peter, I just somehow KNEW you'd like that!!

    Yah-I KNOW there's that plastic kind see- he had these scraps!

    Haha- I think I brought it up at the wrong time...

    What a surprise when I just laughed it off and used it as blogging material!! :)


  4. Maria,

    :) It is kinda funny that he would throw something like that up!

    LOL- I think I just caught him at a bad time. I found it funny ore than anything else!

    I have found (In my old age) it's so much better to not take things so seriously- little things of no importance.
    (He laughed at the blog, too!)

    :) and soon that -uh- ugly thing will be covered with the vines anyway!


  5. I have to agree with you, that mop does add a certain 'je ne sais quoi' to the whole ambiance of the trellis. But then I am not a real trellis designer, just a commenter. :) ec

  6. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Charles certainly proved the ask and yee shall receive! And as you say it will be covered in vines and beautiful soon.

  7. :)

    you could learn a lot from my husband -lol- just study those pics closely!

    :) the mop he had put there on the bare frame some time back and didn't see fit to disturb it during the construction of the 'new' trellis!


  8. To Mamma,

    yep....I guess I should have remembered that saying... 'Be Careful What You Wish For'...

    Oh, well- It's been kinda fun anyway!

    I'll post a picture - when the vines do their magic!!


  9. It wouldn't seem complete without the mop.

    Can you keep repeating to yourself "it's the thought that counts"?

    It's fine. I've known too many guys who would still be planning the project while the vines were climbing in the living room window.

  10. Hi June ~~ What a wonderful husband to
    get to it straight away. It may be a
    little odd, but it is better than nothing. He may not get that designer
    job, but he gets an "A" for effort.
    Looking forward to the photo later, it looks a nice flower. Take care June.
    Cheers, Merle.

  11. Hello again June ~~ I would like to
    wish you a very happy birthday. I knew it was coming up, but Peter knew when.
    Anyway I hope you have a happy day and have many happy returns. Cheers, Merle.

  12. Granny said...
    >>>Can you keep repeating to yourself "it's the thought that counts"?<<<

    I say-
    :) How about 'Lack of...?'

    :) thanks for your visit and comment.

    It's no big deal- I just found it funny!


  13. Thanks Merle,

    First for the nice words about the trellis :) It'll do fine for my vines to grow on!.It will be completely covered in a little while.

    And thanks for the B'Day greetings too! Yep, it's the big 65 today! But every day we have is a gift-so I won't fret about the high numbers I'm reaching! :)

    Take care and hope you're having a good day>

