Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Farm Life of the Past: Jake-(Part 4) POST #2 of 5-9-'06 )

continuing story of Jake...(Part Four)


The days were getting colder and time was nearing when it would be the right day for the slaughter of the hogs.

Although, it had never been the intention that Jake be among those slaughtered, Ed had resolved to sell him at this time and have the money for that bike! It had been a few months since he had found Jake and with the care he had given him, the little runt pig had become an impressive hog!

Finally the day arrived and the job of the slaughter was undertaken. Neighbors helped neighbors, as was the way in those days. The job had to be done quickly, so as not to lose the meat to spoilage. There was a flurry of activity on the farm, with everyone willing to do their share with the task at hand!

Without refrigeration, the meat had to be salt-cured and hung in smokehouses. Lard was made from the fat of the hogs , ( an essential in those days) boiled in a big iron pot over open flames and then, drained. Any meaty parts were removed, leaving just the pure white lard. Sausage was made, too, with the spices and herbs grown in the garden added. Pickling of some parts of the hogs was also done in those days- (ears, feet, snouts) nothing could be wasted in those hard times. Chitterlings (Chittlins’), made from the intestines, were boiled and prepared in a big iron pot in the back yard. The women of the family carried out this process. Ma -the grandmother-had a fondness for this delicacy and was the self appointed over-seer of the chittlin' pot!


...to be continued...



  1. And then what happened???!!??? I'm still waiting for the bacon part!! :) :)

  2. Being real young when we left the farm, I didn't get in on the actual doings but I do remember the killing of the hogs and that they hardly wasted anything. ec

  3. LOL- There'll be no bacon before it's time!

    ....but that bacon is probably hanging in that smoke house- even as we speak!!


  4. ec, I barely remember any of that either-
    but it's true- there was no waste!


  5. I guess they all sat around chewing the fat. Sounds just yummy!
    Slaughtering the hogs and preparing the meat must have been a lot of work. I'll bet those country breakfasts of eggs, sausage and biscuits were simply scrumptous.

  6. lol- chewing the fat and everything else too!
    :) Junie

  7. Hi Junie, Mr blogger was not co-operating last night so couldn't say thanks for your visit. It sure great new about the miners and Ezra.

    Love the farming stories, it really was a different life back then, and I'm not sure we have really improved it with all our mod. cons. I guess it would be hard to do without them now though, especially our computers so we can indulge in our blogging.
    (: jacqui

  8. Hi Junie,

    Thank you for posting on my blog.

    Your story reminds me of my father and my grandmother's stories of the farm in Tennessee. Everything was done by hand even making the soap out of lye and fat. Makes me wonder if it was made from piggie fat. Butchering pigs could be quite messy as they used not a bullet but a hatchet, and if you missed not only was the pig upset and runing around wild but you got splatered with it's blood, mud, and pig poo from the pig pen--oh that's nice!


  9. Hi June ~~ I hope the lad got his bike.
    We can surelyskip some of the gory details. Janice has given us some idea
    thanks, Janice.
    The photo of Paul McCartney is very old
    as he was quite young on that cover.Take care, Merle.

  10. To bike or not to bike that is the question?

  11. Hi Peter,

    :) You wanting that boy to get the bike, eh!

    ...b-b-but that little pig is a PET!!!


  12. Janice,

    Thanks for reading my farm stories.

    Yes, lye soap was made from pig fat!

    ...and I'm sure it was not a pleasant time- the hog slaughter days! I just have faint memories of one of these times. I was born in the south(Alabama) but we moved to South Florida when I was very young. My husband, tho, grew up there so he has a lot of memories of how things were. (How HARD things were)

    But I truly believe it made him the strong person he is today, having gone through all that!


  13. Merle,

    You have to hope the boy (Charles) got his bike....and , after all, pigs were just raised for food! :(


    Yes, that picture of McCartney is old- tho not in the early Beatles day.

    He sure looks good on that cover! :)


  14. Jacqui,

    Thanks for your visit. I also was having trouble with blogger yesterday...but seems ok now.

    Yes, things have certainly changed - and so much- just in the past 50 years!

    Some of the changes have not been good-
    especially the decline in morals.

    I wanted to write all this to show how things once were. Younger people have no idea and may even think a lot of this is 'made up' stories! :)

    I think my husband's hard, early life helped mold him into the strong , resourceful person he became. Having little, and having to work hard for what you have makes you appreciate things more.

