Saturday, May 13, 2006

Farm Life of the Past : Jake (Part 6 & 7)


(Part 6)


As it turned out and could now be revealed, Jake’s fate was a sad one - and ironic!

His mother and grandmother had wanted to wait for the return of the other family members with the bike, to make the news about Jake a little easier for Ed.

No! Jake was not among the slaughtered hogs that day, as one might have suspected.

Jake was hanging out with Ma around the chitterlings (chittlin’) pot, as she worked, preparing the parts for the pot! Unknown to her, as she tossed the unwanted sections of intestines aside, Jake was eating them. Jake choked on the discarded intestines!

The pig, after his untimely death, had been sold to a neighbor for a small sum of money, (Jake was not yet of the usual slaughtering size) though, not nearly enough for the bike! Family members added the extra money needed to buy the bicycle for young Ed!

Charles Edward would remember Jake through all the years - and that green and white Schwinn, too!

And he would remember the kindness and generosity of his family on that day.


(Part 7)

Ed would have the bike for the next several years, until he went in the USAF, just out of high school. He handed it over to his young nephews when he left home!

Years later, when he had his own wife and children, all of this was brought back fresh in his memory! On a visit back home with his family, there, hanging in his brother’s shed was the frame of the Schwinn bike! All of the bittersweet memories of that time…of the bike and of Jake…came back in full focus for a little bit.

June Kellum
May, ‘06


I, personally, have wondered if the young Ed would have gone through with the selling of Jake in order to get the bike.
However, considering the time and place in the past of this story, he probably would have. The cost of keeping a pig for a pet would have been too extravagant in those hard times!
…Besides, the young boy, Ed, had that burning desire for that new Schwinn bike! :)



  1. What a lovely story, thank you for sharing it with us.

    Love your stories about the lizards, we have lots of them around here, haven't had one venture into the house though.

    Your garden looks delightful, like somewhere I would love to stroll.

  2. I've been watching for the end of the story.

    Farm kids are quite realistic about animals probably even more so back then.

  3. Ann,

    Yes, I think you're right about of the past being more realistic about farm animals.

    ....except for me... I remember a baby chick I accidentally stepped on and killed at age 3 or 4! :(

    But that's just me!


  4. Jacqui,

    Happy you enjoy my farm stories. (Charles', actually!)

    ...But the lizards seem to be all mine! LOL!

    I HOPE that doesn't happen again!

    I love my flowers too and they do well until the hot,hot summer is upon us! Then I have to water every day to keep the roses from wilting!


  5. Hi June ~~ Sorry about the sad end of Jake. Glad that Ed got his bike. Did
    his family call him Ed?
    I am sure Charles is not too much like that Aussie Love Poem. Hopefully, not too many Ausssies are like that either.
    Cheers, Merle.

  6. Yes, he was called Ed until he left home for the Air Force.

    I have never called him anything except Charles...Even Charlie doesn't seem right for me! :)

    He's called 'Gabbo' by the grandkids-a name our first grandson gave him-along with my 'Ginga!' So we use those names for each other too- especially when the kids are around!


    aka Ginga :)

  7. Oh, that was too bad for Jake! But at least he died doing what pigs like to do-- eat! As for Ed getting a bike to replace him-- well, it's hard to ride a pig. ;D

  8. LOL-YAH-and for all we know he might have been devouring one of his brother's insides ... maybe the ones that beat him out of nourishment from his mother when he was just a baby!! :)

    ;) I guess all 11 year old boys would prefer a bike to a pig-when you get right down to the nitty-gritty of it!

