Sunday, May 07, 2006

Farm Life of the Past: Jake (Part Three)

...Continuing farm story from my husband's early memories of growing up in Alabama in the 1930s-40s...
(part 3 of 7)


(part three)

The boy rescued the little pig from an almost certain young death, and with no way of knowing whose pig it was, decided to keep him, raise him! He gave him the name ‘Jake.’ He took special care to see that the little pig had food every day.

The plan from the start was to raise Jake up and sell him. In a few months Jake would bring a good price…enough for a bike!

As the weeks passed, Jake grew well - becoming big and healthy. He also became a pet and in awhile Ed found himself rushing home after school, eager to see the pig. Jake would always come when he would hear his name called! He would follow the boy around the farm, much as a puppy would have done.

A strong attachment had developed, and it was mutual!

~~~~~~ be continued...



  1. Junie - here you are. I knew I knew you but when I tried to link to your blog from the comment your blogger profile didn't show a blog.

    Sorry about the confusion - and believe me I was confused. Thought I'd gotten names wrong or something.

  2. Hi,

    Glad you found your way here!

    Yep, I'm here, for sure, and a very busy lady too!! :)

    (My other 2 blogs are on my side bar)

  3. Oh, Oh, I see a problem coming up about that bike.

  4. :)

    It's that PIG you need to be worried about!

