Sunday, May 14, 2006


May13, 2006
Today Charles and I went for a long motorcycle ride.

Yes! It was the JOY RIDE, dedicated to our blogging friend, Joy Des Jardins.
She won my LAG contest of a few weeks back. The object was to guess what LAG meant and she guessed correctly (after a few tries) that it meant -‘Life After Grandkids!’ :)

The first part of the ride is just for me! I stopped to visit at Mom’s place for a little bit…added a little IVY to her spring

The rest is dedicated to Joy! Hope you have fun viewing all that we did today! We enjoyed it! :)

These horses are part of the Art Horses that our town had going a few years back.
It was called ‘Horse Fever’ and many local artists participated in it…. finishing off fiberglass horses in whatever way struck their fancy! There were over 50- all done differently. For several months they were on display around town, then after a set time had passed they were sold at auction! All funds went to the Arts programs of our town! Most of the horses brought very high prices, and many were bought by people in Ocala, or neighboring counties. Some ended up on horse farms in our county.

It’s always a pleasant surprise when we happen to pass by the horses that are still scattered around our little world here!

These are 3 horses that we saw today!
The American Flag one is at the entrance of a very impressive Horse Ranch.
This is in Summerfield-about 25 miles south of us!

The one finished off in brick is in front of a hotel in town!

The other one is in front of a bank in our town.

OH! And we have 4 in our downtown square! (I didn’t photograph today)

(I made pictures of almost all of them when they were on display!)

The weather was perfect today…only problem is - May and September are LOVE BUG season!

I swear-I think they all must be Beatles fans, and ‘Why Don’t We Do It In The Road?’ must be their favorite song! Because that’s just what they do!
They are always joined together (A single Love Bug is never seen) and inevitably end up smashed into a single, mingled white blob, on windshields…and on helmets and faces and jeans of bikers!
(See Love Bug pics…joined together-and smashed!)

We stopped at an old junkyard…old farm machinery! While Charles was looking at that stuff I was out on the roadside making pictures of the wildflowers still in bloom - and some cows in a pasture!

Oh, one more thing! I insisted Charles stop and let me get his picture by this sign- Ocala Stud Farm!! ☺

Our last stop was at a fruit and veggie stand!

It was a fun day for us!

(Hope you enjoyed the JOY RIDE- Joy! ) :)



  1. Happy Mother's Day Junie. Love the pics.

    Horse Fever - I saw another blog that featured painted horses. Australia I think.

    They're great.

  2. Thank you, Ann and hope you're having a good one too! We're expecting our 2 daughters and one son-in-law and at least SOME of the grankids soon.

    Glad you liked the horses- That American Flag horse is the one that sold for the higest price- don't remember how much- but maybe I can look it up!

    I think it was COWS THEY had in Australia.


  3. WOW! My Joy Ride...and on such a beautiful day. I'm thrilled. I could almost feel the wind in my hair, and the love bugs in my teeth. Well, if you have to go...that's a pretty good bugs go.

    I LOVE THE HORST ART! How great is that? Thanks for the pics...they are so cool, and what fun to have them there right in town.

    I'm so glad you included pics of those know I LOVE that. The fruit and vegetable stand...good choice. I love them.

    You actually managed to hit a LOT of places and scenic things that I really would have loved to see. How did you know? I guess it's "Bloggers ESP."

    But...the best part was Charles standing in front of the Ocala STUD farm sign. I mean really....what a great picture. Thank you Charles for putting "the icing on the cake" and making my JOY RIDE such a fun trip.

    Thank you both for making my Mother's Day such a are the best! AND...Happy, Happy Mother's Day sweet Junie. Many hugs, Joy

  4. :)

    So glad you enjoyed the RIDE pics!

    We had a good day here with most of the family here!

    Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

