Thursday, May 11, 2006

Life at Junie's Place- May 10, '06 (Post#2)


Some days more than others...some days you just have to 'Laugh Out Loud' at the absurdity of it all!
THIS DAY- or one little part of my day - was like that!

A few weeks ago, some of you may remember, I was having varmint trouble in my laundry room, with what I thought were mice.
What I caught in my mousetraps, though, was a lizard! I also had a couple of his buddies drown in my washing machine!

Very Yucky work - recovering little dead lizard bodies...

Today, as I was taking a wet load of towels out and putting them into the dryer, I was remembering this happening of a few weeks back. I was actually laughing, remembering the weirdness of the whole thing- from this safe distance; cushioned now by the time that has passed.

I pulled out the very last towel and there underneath it was...yep...another little dead and water bloated lizard! The whole thing seemed staged - as it was only after removing the very last piece of laundry that the lizard was revealed to me!

Once again I had to summon my gumption and recover the dead lizard body from my washer!

But - there IS always a bright side...well, maybe not for the lizard but for me! ☺
What if I had not found him before running him through the dryer too!! A stiff, toasted little body might have been worse-PLUS-more work in re-doing the laundry- both washing and drying!

Lol! You HAVE to look for the bright side of things! (It’s always there!)

Have included a picture for you!
Notice the missing tail? Yikes! Am wondering now if it somehow became detached during the fatal accident he had...It’s probably lodged somewhere in my washing machine...only to surface with my next load of clothes!

Oh, my!

Some pictures from my garden to balance things out! :)



  1. Well i can think of worse ways to go other than "Death by Spin Cycle." At least he spent his last minutes clean...albeit tail-less.

    On a brighter note...your flowers are stunning Junie. Love them.

    Hope you don't run into any more lizards. -Joy

  2. :)- I suppose it was quick anyway!

    Yes, my garden is looking good these days, although I don't feel up to doing as much as I have in the past!

    I LOVE roses!


  3. Hi June ~~ Sad story for the lizard, and
    not too pleasant for you either.
    Your photos are lovely as your garden must be. Loved the donkey and cart.
    Take care, Merle.

  4. Thanks Merle,

    Yes, the garden flowers are looking good now...and that little donkey is one of my favorite things.


  5. Anonymous3:09 AM

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  6. Oh Junie,
    Lizard Queen - NOT a title I'd want. :)
    LOVE the header!!!!
