Monday, May 08, 2006

Shopping (post#2 of today!!)

Just got back from shopping...
Well, it might have been noticed before that on my shopping outings I like to endulge my whims a bit!

After all, if I'm willing to drag myself to Wal-Mart so that we can have every little thing we might need in the house-Before anyone is near running out...from lightbulbs, to toothpaste,Toilet paper....all the zillion little things that people expect...
(where are the paper clips-the scotch tape?- ooops- out of butter!...No Ravioli ?? ...Who ate the ice cream?)... I feel I deserve
whatever strikes my fancy!! :)

I know those Wal-Mart ladies hate to see me coming to check out because my cart is always overflowing!! Always! No matter if I thought I needed just a couple things! And, if I can get all the stuff in there to check it out- WHY is it so hard for them to load it back in the cart when it's all bagged up??

One of life's great mysteries!

Anyway- what I did for ME today was buy a lot of make-up items- Lip sticks, eye products, lotions... HAIR COLOR- Dark Ash Blonde -Loreal (Because I'm worth it! :) )

I also bought myself 2 plants...(My Mother's Day gift to ME - in case no one else remembers! ) :)

...And last but by no means least...I bought- for my continuing Beatles and Post Beatles studies-
a CD -'Paul McCartney -All the Best' ( see picture!!)

I'm looking forward to playing this- maybe later tonight! Would have done so on the way home except the CD was lost among the canned peaches and green peppers AND RAVIOLI- Etc.....

:) It's more enjoyable to do a listen at a more relaxed hour, when I can sit and take it in- lyrics and all!
AHHH-and I see it has the printed lyrics!



  1. Go Walmart shoppers!!

    I hate it when I get a cart with a bum wheel. If it even has a hint of a bum wheel, I get another one. I have struggled around the store WAY too many times and have learned not to settle for a bad cart.

    You can color your hair, get all painted up like a flooozy, and play your new music. Oh, and stare at your new plants.
    I would throw in some dark choco truffles if I were you.

  2. :)- Yah-I had to try 3 carts today before I found one suitable!!
    (And I was already mad at Wal-Mart for not giving CAROLYN -of Ginger Quill- the boxes she needed!!) I loaded up that cart to overflowing- just to bug the checkout lady! LOL!!

    Wish I HAD some dark chocolate truffles!...
    I DO have a couple of left-over Cho. with almonds, Easter Bunnies in my freezer!...or you could pop over with your truffles...We could do a Paul listen together!


  3. I shop at the dreaded Wal-mart once a month. usually my friend who helps me and I fill two carts. And yes, I usually smuggle something in for me.

  4. The vacuum cleaner doesn't count btw.

  5. :) good for you, Ann! We deserve our little thngs in life!

    and - no- a vacuum cleaner is for all in the household.

    If my husband ever suggests something like that for a gift for me I tell him, "No, I'll get that for YOU for YOUR birthday!" :)


  6. Don't care to go there much, so crowded, but when I do it is usually with a basketful. ec

  7. Yes- very crowded here too-but it's where I do most of my shopping-It's on the side of town where there's less traffic, so that's a plus for me! Also, I can get just about anything I need there-and not have to venture out any where else!

    Lol- I might average going to the mall once a year!

    On my shopping days that's ALL I get done.


  8. Hi Junie,

    I can't seem to leave Wal-mart unless I spend 50 dollars, then if my husband is with me. . .well, we usually spend a hundred dollars.

    I think you should spent on yourself, at least every now and then--because you are worth it!


  9. Hey c'mon June, what happened with that pig???

  10. You are my kind of shopper Junie. I'm always that lady with the overflowing cart too. You'd think the cashiers would be excited to see us coming...BIG $$$, but I know what you mean. Sounds like a great day to me.

  11. Joy,

    Yah-they always seen aggravated with my big overflowing carts! :)

    Oh, well!

  12. Janice,

    Welcome to Junie's place! I don't think I've seen you around the blogging world that I know!

    Did you just stumble across my place, or what?

    Anyway, thanks for visiting and commenting!

    Yes, I like to get little things for myself when I shop!
    Actually, it takes little to keep me happy- just a music CD now and then- or something from the garden center!

    I do ALL my food shopping and everything at Wal-Mart- so I'm talking $200.00 -$300.00 a trip!

    YIKES! No wonder those check-out girls hate to see me coming! LOL!

    I noticed in your comment you are in Madera, Ca.
    My husband has a cousin there . He's an artist! He carves birds for big$$$! I wonder if you know of him. His name is Jerry Dollar.


  13. Peter,

    :) hey, I had to take my Wal-Mart break yesterday!
    ...Then there was my 'Paulie' music last night...very good listening!

    Jake story will resume later today...

    :) Thanks for reading!


  14. My mother markets almonds, so I can get all the chocolate covered almonds I want. Isn't that great?!!
    If I was near you, I might be willing to share a couple of my truffles, but only if you were very nice to me!

  15. :) I'm always nice, JD!! :)

