Thursday, May 25, 2006

To Peter - Happy Birthday!

I got the word a few days ago that our Blogger friend, Peter, is having a birthday so decided to write this little poem!

( It's a JunieRose thing, you know!! :) )

Hope it's a good one Peter...and hope you find this poem!
(May 28th.)


To Peter - Happy Birthday

Today is the day
-for those who don’t know-
when Peter was born…
those long years ago.

Merle is his sister
and sweet as can be.
I’ve thought about Peter!
What sort lad, was he?

Was he full of mischief,
or calm and serene?
Did he play tricks on sister
…a nice boy- or mean?

Was he handsome and smart?
I’d think he would be…
because of this, present day,
Peter we see! :)

He’s had his adventures
and is willing to share…
all the places he’s been
and the fun he’s had there!

Peter always is helpful
with us folks - unknowing.
He eagerly advises,
and leaves us all glowing!
(LOL- When our ignorance is showing!)
(... alternate line here!!)

His love of his family is
a joy to behold…
with the pictures and memories
and stories he’s told!

So - to our friend, Peter,
hope your birthday is grand!
If only I could
I would strike up the band! :)

June Kellum


  1. Why thanhee very much June, don't recall anyone ever writin' me a pome before.
    I'm not gonna answer any of the questions you posed, dont want to shatter any images, but my older sister sometimes can't keep her mouth shut, so who knows you may hear some home truths????

  2. :)

    Happy you found it before your B'day!
    I know it's a couple days early but hoped you'd check before you went away!

    LOL- so you think Merle might give out with some secrets, eh!!

    Anyway- hope you have a happy Birthday!


  3. Hi June ~~ Thank you so much for Peter's Poem. It is really nice of you to do that, and glad he saw it before
    he left for his celebration with his
    family. No secrets today, except to say I like him a lot better now, than when we were little kids and our earlier
    He must be like a good wine, improving with age..Thanks again June.
    Take care, Merle.

  4. :)

    It was fun doing the little poem for your brother.

    It's 12:20 AM here and even the night owl that I am, I think it's time I turned in for the night- so see you later.


  5. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Junie Please add my wishes for a happy Birthday for Peter!

  6. Momma,

    :) Peter seems a happy guy- Birthday , or not, :)

    ... but He mentioned spending time with family members so I'm sure he will be having a happy time during his birthday.

    Thanks for your visit.


  7. That was so cool, June!! What a nice gift for Peter :)

  8. :)

    Thanks, Carolyn!(just a little JunieRose,type, thing!)

    Hope things are well with you these days. Guess you're busy with your moving plans!


  9. Yes, we've been packing-- or I have been packing while hubby's at work. Having to wipe glassware and stuff off first though. That pine pollen crept in and settled over everything! And is giving me a sinus attack. Yucky!

  10. :) But exciting times- moving into a new house!!!

    Will be looking forward to seeing pics of your new place!


  11. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I love the poem. I just posted a birthday card on my blog and a link to his site.

  12. Thanks Maria,

    It seems Peter had a fine birthday- full of surprises! :)

