Friday, May 05, 2006

What I got - what I did

Charles and I had a wonderful dinner out- at Shells, one of my favorite places to eat!

These are some of the things I got from my 2 guys!

Charles got me this ring!! I love it! Emeralds- my birthstone!

Chris, as usual, came through with music! The Moody Blues DVD I watched tonight and it's fantastic!
Bryan Ferry-Roxy Music- I like too. The Counting Crows will be brand new to me!! (but he says I'll like it!) :)

We made these pictures before going out!

My new ring

My new music

Charles and me

My husband, Charles and son, Chris

A good day!



  1. Charles did well! Your ring is beautiful Junie. I love emeralds too. What a nice birthday...your two guys, good music, a lovely dinner, and a gorgeous ring. All in all, I'd say you had a great day. Happy Birthday!

  2. Thanks Joy- Yes a very good birthday!

  3. Nice Happy Birthday.

  4. Hi June, I am a bit behind with my comments, but just wanted to say it sure looked like you had a great birthday.
    Am waiting anxiously for the next episode of the bike saga.
    I know what you mean when you ask most men to do a job, design, materials, thinking time etc., but at lease the vine will have somewhere to run.
    The "Red Hat Society"sure is a lot of fun.
    cheers jacqui

  5. Hi June ~~ I am so pleased that you had such a great birthday, lovely meal and
    lovely presents. And you thought that
    the trellis was it. Every day is a great day when we are happy and content.
    Take care, Merle.

  6. Peter,

    LOL- Yep, not bad at all!

    I was especially pleased with the Moody Blues DVD my son gave me! It was really good viewing!

    Thanks for your visit, Peter.


  7. Merle,

    Thanks for coming over to visit. :)

    LOL! I just KNEW there had to be more than that trellis! haha

    It was a good day, although I missed not being with ALL the family!

    ...BUT, still -it was a good day.


  8. Granny,

    Thanks for your visit.

    Yep, I had a good birthday!


  9. Jacqui,

    Thanks so much for visiting Junie's Place.
    Yes, my B'Day was good.

    I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the Farm stories- This one of JAKE (and the bike) will be in several parts. I will post #2 soon.

    ... :) about that trellis... LOL- he just threw that up -thinking I wanted something put up , right then, for those vines!! So he just used what was at hand! :) It will serve ok!

    AND-If his intentions were to Spite me- it didn't work! I just laughed ! :)

    There's a lot of fun to be had in life if we just look for it! :)


  10. Ohhh... Happy Birthday, Junie! Sorry I missed it!!

  11. Hi Skye,

    Thanks! I had a good birthday>

    Hope you're doing well.

