Thursday, June 15, 2006

OK-I give up!

... I give up on getting my flags all lined up in a row the way I wanted them!

Anyway, you get the idea-Right! We love our flag! :)


This post, mainly, is just to see how blogger is doing with picture posting today- that is -with brand new pictures!


I'll show you my music choice of last night- the Van Morrison I got at Wal-Mart yesterday!
I have to say, I DID enjoy the new listening much so I played it THREE TIMES.


Today has not been such a great one as my back is giving me a fit again! I have done nothing useful all day long!
I think it's caused by the new bed we bought awhile back...It's too soft for me!
I'm thinking of setting up my OWN bed somewhere in this house and getting a mattress to my own liking...namely-one that doesn't make me feel as if I'm being swallowed when I lay down on it!!! Lol- perhaps I'll turn my living room into my very own bedroom!


Now-here's an oldie from my past!

1964 Happy Days!
(where are those babies now!!!)



  1. Junie, maybe you could try putting a board onto the box spring under your side of the mattress. My Grandad used to do that because the mattress on his bed was too soft for him. I think it used to help.

  2. Skye,

    My husband has suggested that. I haven't tried it yet- I may do that- just to see if it makes a difference.

  3. Hi Junie,
    Sorry to hear about your back, Skye's suggestion is a good one, I have done that in the past and it does help.
    I'm glad you nare enjoying the trip & photos, it is good for me to, reliving it all again.
    I'll keep you in my prayers,
    hugs jacqui

  4. Thanks, Jacqui,

    I may try that suggestion.

    Yes- your travel photos are great! :) Hope there's lots more to come.

    I may post some of my California pics one day soon!


  5. Hi June ~~ So sorry about your back acting up again. Skye's suggestion sounds like a good idea and worth a
    try. Take care, Merle.

  6. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for your visit and concern about my back problem.

    It seems better again today so maybe I'll be ok for awhile!

