Monday, June 05, 2006

'RUSH' - My day- June 5, 2006

Hey Folks,

I'm not feeling great but a little better. At least I can walk without being humped over like an old troll lady from a scary fairy tale!
...But-no cartwheels yet!!!

I needed to shop so I got C. to go with me- That made it easier.

My usual frivolous spending included :

#1 - a cute dish towel with a coffeecup on it! (Which I didn't need)...

#2 - 2 scented candles which I love to use almost every day! These are apple/cinnamon scent! Lol- If one who didn't know me well, come into my house, they might think I was be baking apple pies! Ha! They'd be sooo wrong! :) I don't do apple pies! Funny about my candles-I always burn 2 at a time- side by side! One would prolly do just as well- but it's always 2 for me! I like things in pairs!

#3 - A country living garden magazine-which I will pour over and swoon over- but probably won't take any of the ideas and make use of them! Wish I could, but just am not up to these things anymore!...Anyway- it will be fun looking at all the neat ideas!

#4 - Last...I got a RUSH CD- the band -( not the Talk Radio Host! :) ) It's called 'The Spirit of Radio'-Greatest Hits-1974-1987

'Rush' will be brand new for me!!! I KNOW! I'm hopelessly behind! :) Doesn't matter! If I didn't have all this new music to explore I would be in a mess of trouble at this point in my life... trying to find fun things to fill my days and nights!

It will be fun to see what Rush is all about! :)

I'll probably get into it later tonight at my favorite music listening time; late night-being the night owl that I am and have always been!

Some pics of today's loot!

ummm! Smells like apple pie in here! :)



  1. well, thanks!

    Come again and introduce yourself!

  2. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
