Sunday, June 11, 2006


I have been searching all afternoon through my Mountains of photo albums for the pictures of NY, NY, 1982.
Still have not found them!

It's not surprising when you have as many photos as I do, I suppose.
When you stop and think of it- we are talking of a long lifetime of taking and collecting pictures with a dramatic increase when the grandkids came along!

LOL- But I did come across a LOT of neat pics that might be of interest to post here - sooner or later!

For now I'll give you these sketches I did of my babies-WAY back. Must have been in the early 70s. The ones of Chris and Tina are when they were babies. The one of Tam is as a 3 year old!

Still searching for those NY, NY pics! I won't give up!

Perseverance is one of my strong points, I've been told! But - that's a good thing! :)



  1. These sketches of your kids are wonderful Junie. You are a very talented lady. Do you still do sketching? You should!

  2. Thanks very much, Joy.

    I just came across those drawings in one of my early photo albums and thought it would be fun to put them on here.

    Haven't done any drawing in years, and hadn't thought about or looked at these in years!
    (lol- I noticed these drawings were done on cardboard inserts from fancy art supplies!)

    Sketching was just another little thing I discovered in my never ending quest for self-fulfillment, along the way!... :)

    I'm glad you enjoyed viewing them!


  3. Gosh, those are great, Junie! You're very talented. Did you use photographs of them to copy from, or just the live kids? (Trying to imagine any kid sitting still long enough to be drawn!)

    I've been wanting to do some sketches of my kids, too, before they get too much older.

  4. Skye,

    I sketched from photos- but free hand...didn't trace them or anything like that! :) They're just very, rough and unfinished drawings- but I kinda like the way they turned out... LOL- all those years ago!

    You should do some of your kids!


  5. Hi June ~~ Wow ! You keep on surprising us. These are great sketches and show
    another of your talents. Great to see them - thanks. Also thanks for your comments. I get mad at Blogger for the way he publishes some of my posts. I
    edited last night's effort 4 or 5 times and nearly deleted it. My little <><>s are to separate verses etc, but don't always work. Thank you for your perseverance !!
    Take care, Merle.

  6. Thanks, Merle,

    All my talents (if they're there at all) are undeveloped, but I have enjoyed doing these little things throughout my life. I'm happy you like seeing my stuff! :)

    Sorry you're having trouble getting your posts the way you want them. But it's fine, as far as I'm concerned. I like the things you post.

    Things are going pretty good for me now!
    Lol- tho I just gave up on putting links in!
    But still, people can get to the sites I mention by copy and paste into the bar at the top!

    Thanks for visiting often, here at Junie's place.

  7. Those sketches are really good. I hope you have continued with your artwork.
    I wish I had some art talent. My drawings have looked the same since I was in the fourth grade. I have not had any improvement!
    My dad is a wonderful artist, and he passed those genes on to my daughter. My Gramillo was a painter as well.
    Those artistic genes just passed me over completely.
    I can draw a very good stick man and a three-dimensional cube. That's about it. Oh! And a smiley face.

  8. Wonderful sketches. I can manage stick figures but that's about it.

  9. Hi June, no way of knowing whether the sketches are good likeness or not , but they are certainly very nice drawings and I, along with most others, would be proud to be able to do them.

  10. Jamie Dawn,

    Thanks for your nice words. No I never continued with my drawing-except with my crafts. I have done a lot of free hand gourd designs.

    Mom had talent for drawing and also poetry, so whatever inclinations I have in that direction came from her!

    Thanks for your visit.


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  13. Hi Ann,

    Thanks for looking at my babies! :)

