Thursday, June 01, 2006

Some things I like...and do not...

Hey folks,

Nothing much new around the Kellum place.

I'm still (as my dear mom would have put it) DOWN in my back! Come to think of it, that is an apt description, too! I can barely walk around. I think the pain in my legs is due to my trying to guard against the pain in my back when I walk! My whole body is full of tension and moves very slowly and carefully - if at all!

Oh, well! No pain-no gain-they say! But all I'm trying to gain back is my pain-free body!

Thank God for Excedrin and Ben-Gay - and someone to apply it to my sore back! Thanks, Charles! :)
This is from last year’s journal/blog.(2005-Junipers World))

I wonder if things have changed at all!

We'll see!
Some things I like…

Sunsets, sunrises, butterflies, birds, music, Breyers ice cream, roses, Nikes, white socks, clean sheets, feather pillows, fresh towels, new shoes, losing weight, family gatherings, motorcycle rides, books, thinking of Mom, looking at photos, taking photos, pizza, NEW FRIENDSHIPS, old friendships, Christmas, Santas, poodles, cats, buttermilk and cornbread, grits, blue Florida skies with white, fluffy clouds, starry nights, full moons, unexpected visits by grandkids, new-fun-Nicknames, Long Chats with friends, late fall and winter days, yard sales, dolls, antique shops, fall festivals, scented candles…That First Cup of Coffee...
* little poems that just happen*

*Charles’ hair* :)

(Here we are just being silly but look what nice hair and beard that guy has! :) )

6-1-06 (I will add)

Charles' beard
Eating at Red Lobster
My evening computer time!!
chocolate kisses with almonds***
Real kisses, too :)
Long music listens, late at night
A glass of white Zinfandel, now and then


... and things I DO NOT like!

Waiting, anger, boring books, sink full of dirty dishes, unexpected company, (except grandkids :) ) long car trips, dog days of summer, weeds in my garden, bugs in my garden, making dinner EVERY night, empty coffee pot when I get up in morning!!!, flea markets when it’s hot, dental appointments, fleas on poodles, power failures,
roaches, houseflies, * people who THINK they know everything and DON’T!*


(I will add)

Sleepless nights!
Bad dreams
Back pain
Broken promises
High prices for poodle grooming!
Complaints of high prices for poodle grooming (even more!!!) :)

***Drowned lizards in my washing machine***

That's it for now!!



  1. Love your lists Junie...especially the "Things You Like." I share a lot of those. I sincerely hope your back feels better quickly...I know how that can put you out of commission and out of sorts. I be thinking of you and sending you healing hugs...

  2. Thanks Joy,

    You're tops! :)


  3. Anonymous9:08 PM

    That is a priceless photo and I agree with you on all the likes and dislikes.

    Hope your back is better soon.

  4. Cute photo Junie. Hey, I worked out yesterday with the sounds of Grand Funk Rail Road. Ahhhh, great music.

  5. Hey Doug,

    ahhh! The mere mention of 'Working Out' makes my back hurt more! :)

    GrandFunk RailRoad is a group I don't know that well- will have to check them out! Will try to get a CD when I go out again!

    ;) Yah- in that pic Charles is hamming it up- big time! Like he's afraid of losing me!
    Fat chance of that!! OOOPS! Bad choice of words there! heehee

    BTW- On music matters...did you check out Sarah McLachlan yet?


  6. Maria,

    Thanks for the good wishes! I guess I did it weeding the roses the other day- though it didn't start right away.

    :) Lol- the pic is recent- he was just being silly. I told him to, "Put your arms around me!" and that's what he did!

    BTW- Happy news about the twins! For some reason I couldn't leave a message at your site today!


  7. Most of those likes are mine as well especially that whole first line - double especially the Breyers ice cream. Hope the back gets better soon. ec

  8. ....:)

    Nothing better than Bryers!

    Thanks for the good wishes for my sore back! Maybe in another day I can get back to normal!


  9. I just love that picture of you and Charles! It kinda gives a glimpse of your personalities and your relationship, not just what you look like.

    I like many of the things on your "likes" list, and dislike everything on your "dislikes" list... though I've never had a drowned lizard in my washer, thank goodness! I have to disagree with you on the Hershey's kisses, though - chocolate is far too delicious to be contaminated by the foul presence of an almond!! ;)

  10. Hi June ~~Great lists there and they cover many of my likes and dislikes too.
    Lovely pic of you and Charles ~ it's easy to see how happy you both are. I am
    sorry the pain is so bad at present, and hope it eases soon. I have to take paracetamol daily for mine. Thanks for your visit. Take care, Merle.

  11. Hi June, that's a great photo of the two of you, apart from your pain, you seem to have a great life.
    The lists were great too, must try it myself sometime, no lizards though.
    Praying for the pain to ease.
    hugs jacqui

  12. Skye,

    :) YAH-chocolate is great without the almounds too!

    That picture was recent- probably on his birthday in April!
    We were just joking around!

    Thanks for reading my silly ramblings every day!


  13. Jacqui,

    Thanks for your visit. And for your good wishes for me.
    I'm still not much better today. Hope I will be as the day goes on-. I've had these spells before and it just takes time.

    Chas. and I DO have fun and have much to be thankful for.


  14. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for your visit and good wishes for me.

    This back pain is an occasional thing for me but usually doesn't last too long.

    I hope you're feeling well today.

    Glad you like the pic. It was just a fun shot! When the kids were gonna get a pic I told him'Put your arms around me!'

    He grabbed me like he'd never let me go! haha


  15. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Dislike making dinner every night,in fact don't like to cook period. The bug thing is also a pain.

    Hope the back gets better soon. I know the feeling of frustration when you can't do even the little things that need to be done everyday without suffering. I guess you and I like kissing the raw end of a broom huh!

  16. Mamma says...

    "I guess you and I like kissing the raw end of a broom huh!"


    :) YAH! Never really thought of it in that way- but you're right!

    Thanks for stopping by.


  17. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Aw Ginga I hope your back feels better soon!
    And I must say, I'm quite fond of Gabbo's hair too! lol But you knew that already.
    Anyway, feel better!

  18. Thanks,Baby Alli,

    I hope I feel better by tomorrow!
    This whole week has been a bummer!
    ...Have lost track of how many days my back has been bad...seems like a month!

    Yes- Gabbo does have nice hair!
    (Lol- he knows it too!!)

    Going to say hi to your dad on his blog!
    Hope you will too!

    Love ,


  19. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

  20. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
