Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Spider surprise

What a surprise awaited me when I finally made it to bed last night at almost 1:30 A.M.!


He was on my bedside lamp... just inches from where my sleeping form soon would have been!
Huge spider- about 3 inches - in all directions!

I got him ...but what about the rest of his family!! :(

I tell you- NOT conducive to a good night's sleep!



Please don't miss my 'Blue Angel' stuff of my previous post!



  1. That is one nice sized spider - the stuff nightmares are made of. I awoke one night to a cricket crawling on my face - he/she didn't survive the incident either. ec

  2. ec,

    Yes- he was big!

    I tried first to catch him in a wet paper towel(I would have put him outside) but he was too quick...so I had no choice but to get than can of Raid and go after him!
    I HOPE I got him, tho I never recovered a dead body! :) didn't feel like moving furniture today with my back still not so good!

    :) I don't think I've ever had a cricket in my house...but who knows what goes on while I sleep!!


  3. LOL! My oldest, who is 26, has such a fear of spiders that one time, while driving around 55mph, he was moments away from bailing out of the truck because I pointed out a little tiny one dangling from my rearview mirror. I was swerving on the highway, stearing with one hand while trying to kill the spider with the other, all the while my then 17-year-old was hugging the passenger door with his hand ready to pull the lever to open it.

  4. Hi Doug,
    ..a funny story, but I'm sure it wasn't that funny for your boy, having that fear of spiders- or for you either!

    My granddaughter is that way about them-In fact- she wouldn't even look at the picture I have on here! :)

    I'm not so afraid of them...but I couldn't leave that big monster free to roam around my bedroom (My face!!!) while I slept!

    I figure if you live in Florida you are bound to come in contact with such critters, now and then!

    Thanks for your visit.


  5. Hi June ~~ What an ugly surprise for you. I don't like spiders at all and
    must admit I have cans of Raid in the
    bedroom, lounge and kitchen. Hardly
    ever see a spider, But I'm ready.!!
    Thanks for your visit and comment.
    I hope the back if good again by now.
    Take care, Merle.

  6. Wolf spider maybe? Ugly sucker and I wouldn't want him hanging overhead either.

    We're in Black Widow country and are copying my friend Jacqui's (Australia) advice of shaking out our shoes and watching where we put our hands.

    We were overrun last year.


    Only two poisonous spiders in the US (the other is the brown recluse)but I don't want any of them getting too close.

    Out of sight, okay. In my face, no way.

  7. Hi Junie,
    Better you than me with the spider, I am mortally afraid of big ones we have here called "Huntsman", everyone tells me how harmless they are, but it makes no difference, I just become hysterical.

    Thanks too for you positive comments on blogging. It'sfunny how some people just have to be negative about something that others enjoy.

    Hope your back is improving.
    jugs jacqui

  8. Yipes! Big-assed spiders down your way, Juni!

    Yes, what about the rest of the family?



  9. Doesn't anyone feel any sympathy for the spider??

  10. :)

    Now Peter, you KNOW I tried to save that spider's life. He was having none of that Wet Napkin rescue plan!

    I had no choice but to reach for the ' Raid!'


  11. LOL, String,

    Yes-that spider was BIG! What can I say...this is Florida! :)

    :) It worries me that his remaining family and friends might decide to get revenge on me! Come to think of it, I left that can of Raid right in plain view, on the shelf by my bed!!

    Yikes! I'd be the first they'd suspect!


  12. Hi Jacqui,

    Thanks, I'm some improved with the back. Sure wish I could get back to doing some gardening- but - not yet!

    I'm with you on the blogging issue! I feel I have earned the right to spend my time as I please- and at the moment Blogging is what pleases me most- and other online things! I prefer it to watching TV- so that's what I do!

    Spiders are yucky for sure. Having that one so near my bed was too much!


  13. Ann,

    I have seen Black Widows around our yard here, also-thankfully, not in the house, tho!

    I'm not really that afraid of spiders- except when they invade my space too closely! :) That one by my bed was a bit too close>


  14. Hi Merle,

    Yes- a bit improved with the back problem...

    :) and have seen no more spiders around! Hope I never see one that close to my bed again!

    have a good day.


  15. Anonymous11:37 PM

    But you have to admit he added a lot of class to the design of the lamp base. Good to hear the back is getting better.

  16. You are a much braver soul than me Junie. That's some big mamma-jamma spider. Hope you don't get any more surprises like that again.

  17. Ahh- yes, he certainly decorated that lamp! :)


  18. Lol- It would have been a sight to have seen this little ole lady dealing with that spider. It was very late and I was trying to be silent so as not to wake my husband as I worked. First, I hurried back to the front of the house for the camera . I got the picture-then went after the spider with a wet paper towel. I wanted, not to kill it, but to put it outside! It got away from me! Well-then I had to go for the spray! I couldn't leave it free in my bedroom!

    Not a fun experience- but I bet it woud have been fun watching! :)

