Thursday, July 06, 2006

For my kids...for 'Nighty'

( Click to make larger )

To Zach and Alli...

I will put these posters around the neighborhood tomorrow!

...There's a small chance...

Love ,



  1. My daughter had a similar scare with their little longhair dachshund a couple of days ago - and it was the fireworks that scared her as well. Fortunately they found her at the other end of the neighborhood the next day. Hope your story is as happy in its ending. ec

  2. I hope for a happy ending as well.

  3. Thanks, Ann and Mreddie.

    All I can do is put out the posters and hope something happens ...


  4. Hi June, hope you find Nightie, pets that have been part of your family for such a long time become family members, pity fireworks scares them so.
    There is a total ban on fireworks in Australia except for displays by registered pyrotechnics.
    When I was very young we used to have "cracker night" on 4th July usually with a big neighborhood bonfire as well, we used to roast potatoes in the coals when the bonfire died down, another fun thing we don't do here anymore.

  5. Hi Peter,

    Thanks. Yes, I feel really bad about little Nighty. ..and maybe never knowing just what happened to her will be hard. So I just had to make up those posters to put out, for the slim hope of finding her!

    The thing was, with her age and problems that she was beginning to have, we didn't expect she would live much longer. But I always expected to be able to take care of her- then with her passing, bury her here with her sister Buffy (We lost Buffy 3 years ago) I hate not knowing what happened!

    Those bonfires of your childhood sound fun! Well, I KNOW they are fun! We've had several here at our place- years back when the grandkids were all still KIDS! :) I miss those good times! ;(
    Life is ever changing, eh?

    Tonight I have been listening to my grandson, Brian's, cd that he recently finished working on! It's really good!! (And it's not just a granny talking here!! :) ) Check out his site on my side bar, if you're interested. He has 4 of the 10 that are on the finished cd, on that site to play! The 2 that I like best are 'Mexico' and especially 'TRY.'

    :) Good nite, Peter,


  6. Oh, Junie, I do hope you find Nighty! I remember how awful it was when my Zoe disappeared and I didn't know if we'd ever find out what happened to her. Fortunately, she did turn up. I've heard that animals will sometimes wander off on their own when they know they are dying, but I so hope that's not the case in this instance. I'll be thinking good thoughts for Nighty, wherever she is.

  7. Thanks Skye and Merle,

    We'll put up the little poster/flyers and hope something turns up...

    I appreciate everyone's concerns so much!


  8. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Losing a pet can be heartbreaking but having one disappear is much harder to take. There is always a chance that Nighty will find the way home . Or that some kindhearted person will be around to help Nighty. Keep us posted and don't give up hope.

  9. Thanks Momma,

    Nothing has changed and I will just have to live with the loss and the mystery of the whole thing.

    It's very sad.
