Thursday, July 20, 2006

My Travels With Charlie- Part 5

On Friday, July14th. Charlie and I are on our way to Limestone Co.-Athens, Alabama ( The Elk River-mud Bottom, Leggtown ...all the old familier places of Charlie's childhood days!)

On the way we saw this:

At the American Legion Hall in Decater, we stopped to pay homage to our flag!

...and This is the Tennessee River and bridge, just North of Decater.

We rode through the town of Athens and saw that a lot still remains of the old days... for instance...the store where the 'famous Schwinn bike' was bought is still in business!
I can close my eyes and imagine, those shiny, new bikes lined up on the sidewalk in front of that store, that captivited that young boy's heart!!

** See archives, May'06))
Farm Life of the Past: 'Jake' **

Later this evening, we would have the first gathering of the 'Kellum Klan, with home-made ice cream ' and lots of other goodies!

Some pics from this night:

***Tomorrow-the country tour*** be continued...



  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I can't believe you didn't put anybody's picture on here but ours!! I got one laid up for you for We the BEST, I understand.So glad to see ya'll..Love you,

  2. Good photos, I feel like I was on the tour as well. Homemade ice cream is one of my magic words, I certainly wouldn't want any of that to go to waste - or would it be waist? :) ec

  3. Hi Charlotte,

    :) So glad you found our (MY) blog!

    LOL- I hardly made any pictures that first night- :) and they were mostly of your folks! There'll be more of the next day's get together!

    Tomorrow will be our country tour!

    Hope you will check out all the blog- also my other 2 on my side bar! ( my poems and About Mom)

    It was good seeing everyone! It was smaller but fun!! :)

    Love you all,


  4. Hi June ~~ Another interesting post with great photos. What a lot of history you have seen and beaut places.
    Thanks for your visit and comments.
    Shopping is tiring but necessary.
    Take care, Merle.

  5. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for your visit here.

    I'm happy you're enjoying our travel pictures.

    ...just a couple more posts and then on to something else!


  6. EC,

    Thanks for reading our little country adventure!

    :) Yes, the ice cream was VERY good and , probably, it went to WAIST, rather than WASTE!
    Sometimes we have to just let go and not worry about those little details! :)

    Hope things are well in your world today!

