Sunday, July 02, 2006

Our visit with the kids ~~ July 1, '06

We went to Orlando today for a visit with our daughter, Tam , son-in-law, Terry and grandson, Zach!
They had a good lunch prepared for us...BBQ Ribs! Thanks Terry! :)
We had fun just talking and laughing (as always is the case with Tam!!)
We had a good few hours!


When we got home I went out in the back yard with the camera...saw activity in an old bird house on the fence!
Turns out it's a family of opossoms...or just 'Possoms, as they are usually called! ( I saw two grownup size critters!) I showed Charles and he says he'll have to get rid of them! :( Hope he will capture them and move them somewhere else!

...And... General and Tiger - aren't you guys supposed to be patrolling the place?



  1. Anonymous10:26 PM

    i guess you found the Possom that I got rid of from my house haha

  2. :) Hi Marc,

    Did you put that possom in my birdhouse?

    ...Actually, I saw 2 in there...possibly a whole, happy, little family!

    My Guard Cats are not doing
    their job around here!!


  3. Thought that didn't look much like a cat. I said to myself "self, I do believe I see a possum in there".

  4. Hello June ~~ Looks like you and Charles had a great time with your daughter and
    family. And if Marc put the possums there, Marc should remove them!!! don't
    you think? Take care, Merle.

  5. Ann,

    Yes!! I was very surprised to see those little strange faces looking at at me!

    I didn't want to get too close but I was able to zoom in with the camera and get some pictures.

    I hope Chas. will just try to relocate them.


  6. Hi Merle,

    I don't really think Marc put them there- lol- but at any rate he won't be any help in removing them as he's 'on the road'...a long distance trucker! ...I read on his blog last night that he had been in a giant size traffic jam , going into NYC and it took him 5 hours to go a distance of 10 miles! Poor Marc! :(

    Yes, we enjoyed seeing the kids in Orlando yesterday-although, even short trips are tiring for me these days!
    As my mom would have said,"I feel 'stove up' this morning! :) That's an expression of the south USA which isn't often used these days! :) Have you ever heard it? (Means kind of achey and slow, I think! :) )

    Hope you're fine today.


  7. :)

    Hi Alli,

    Now don't go trashing The General's reputation! :)

    He THINKS he's tough!!

    Gabbo took the possoms- birdhouse and all- down to the far pasture- so I feel better now!

    Love you,


  8. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Is General the one with the lazy eye? He just looks to sweet and bewildered to be much of a hunter. I love that photo and if I have offended him, please tell him it was all out of love because he looks so darn cuddly.

  9. Those BBQ ribs look yummy! Glad you had fun with your family!

    You've got to watch out for those oppossums; they can be sneaky and destructive. A couple of years ago, we started hearing them under our house, and then one evening the dog started barking at the living room vent, and there was an oppossum coming up through the vent backwards - its tail was sticking up through the slats in the vent!! EWWW!! It was stinky too. We had to get repairmen to seal up the hole in the vent system under the house. Animal control couldn't capture the oppossums, though - they were too big for the cage! We had one come up on our front steps that was bigger than any of our cats and more than half the size of our dog!

    I don't like oppossums.

  10. :) Maria,

    Thanks! Yes, that's General with the bewildered look on his face!

    Lol- true- he's not much of a hunter. He sometimes tries to fake the birds out atop the bird feeder pole, by remaining very still. So far it hasn't worked-thankgoodness!


  11. Hi Skye,

    I don't like possoms either! My husband took, bird house and all, away from the house . He'll bring the birdhouse back when they get out of it! They wee too scared to get out right away!

    ...Still- it was kinda neat-finding them and getting that photo!

