Monday, July 10, 2006


I did some shopping today-getting ready for the trip on Wednesday.
I bought a few things for myself. You know...the summery capri pants and tops...all those tropical prints and bright colors...
and those canvas sandels I love, in every color you can imagine!
The place I shop is called Bealls and it caters to the senior crowd! Lol! I felt right at home among those over 60 group of shoppers! :)

They DO have Young stuff too! That's where I bought my 'WHO' and 'Beatles' Tee-shirts!! :)

I went from there to Wal-Mart and stocked up on canned food and Beggin'Strips for my 2 poodles-and microwave dinners and Ravioli for my son, Chris! That's the least I can do for him since he will be taking care of my poodles while we're gone!

I felt very sad passing by the kind of canned food I always got for Nighty, and having no need to buy any! (Still an unsolved mystery-as I guess it will remain!)

My music purchase of this week... is this...

I haven't had a chance to play it yet. Hope I can later tonight, but I don't know, I'm quite tired and headachey due to the long , hot shopping outing!

I Love the Eagles!

...and you were worried I was becoming obsessed with THE WHO!! :)



  1. I love the Eagles too. I'll have to check on this one.

  2. I just finished viewing it and ,of course, it's VERY good!
    So much talent there!

    'Heart of the Matter' is a really beautiful and sad song!


  3. Dear June ~~ I have this Eagles dvd
    and love it. Your new clothes sound
    nice and bright. Where are you off to?
    I have been so tired lately that I haven't caught up with my reading.
    Anyway, Have a great time. I am so sorry
    that you never found your dog.
    Take care, Love, Merle.

  4. Hi Merle,

    I played that DVD last night and enjoyed it a lot. I've always liked the Eagles! It's neat you have the same DVD!.

    We'll be off to Alabama tomorrow for about 6 days, for Charles' family reunion. and also to see my brother. Actually, neither of us feels up to traveling right now but I guess we will make it ok.

    Sorry you're feeling so tired these days...It is hard to keep up with all the blog reading sometimes.. Don't worry about missing some of mine. I write so much it's hard to keep up! LOL

    Yes, am very sad about my little dog, but she DID have a long life...I just have to focus on that and that we tried all we know to find her!

    Take care ,


  5. I love the Eagles too! Acutally, when I was lead singing, I did Desperado, Take It To The Limit, Lyin' Eyes, and also bg vocals on a couple more. I always loved their sound.

  6. Yay, Eagles are much more to my liking than The Who I'm afraid June.

  7. Peter,

    :) They are very good - The Eagles!

    I played the DVD last night and enjoyed it very much!

    Even the Eagles, Chas. doesn't like very much- His favorite music is Blue Grass!

    LOL- I can just imagine what his reaction would be if I put in a WHO CD on this upcoming trip! LOL!
    (Don't worry- I won't!! :) )


  8. Carolyn,

    Those are all good songs, and I bet you did them well! Very cool you were in a band! :) Hope I can hear your songs one day!


  9. Anonymous7:13 AM

    What a great site
    » » »

  10. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
