Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Still Speaking of Varmints...(Post#2 of today)

Still speaking of varmints… imagine me walking into my kitchen- totally unaware (“As she often is!”…I hear you saying!!) :) and finding this scene!
(Husband Charles and my son, Christopher )

This happened just recently and I should consider myself lucky because this IS a harmless snake! (Rat snake, Charles calls it) We have often seen these types around the
place, here. When we had chickens they would get the eggs! I once saw one with 2 big egg shaped bulges in it’s long, otherwise, slinky body!

In the past Charles has been known to bring home more dangerous snakes!’
Once he went to pick up my grand boys from school and stopped on the way home and caught a deadly Rattle Snake, put it in a bucket he had in his truck…brought it home!
“You may ask,” Why?” The very question I had for him! He said his reason was to teach the boys NOT to be afraid of snakes!

* NOT to be afraid of a Deadly Rattle Snake! *

I would teach them to avoid Rattle Snakes, when possible! Is that logical thinking – or just a woman’s way of thinking? ( Or, are those two, one and the same?) :)

Luckily, with my shrill insistence, Charlie took that snake back down the road to the wooded area where he came from!
I didn’t want it killed - just AWAY from my home and kids!

Anyway, as harmless as this present snake is, I was momentarily taken aback with this sight in my kitchen! He didn’t linger long. We let him go and he headed for my garden.

General was brave enough to check him out…at a safe distance! Perhaps hoping to redeem himself after being so lax as to let the possums invade our back yard!



  1. YUCK!!!!!!!!

    Snakes are the creatures of my nightmares. In my mind, and no matter how I try to convince myself otherwise, every snake's bite would be deadly within minutes. I did hold a constrictor-type snake once, though. I guess those seem a bit safer.

    Did Charles and Chris FIND it in the kitchen, or did they catch it outside and bring it in?

  2. :) I realized after I had posted I hadn't made that clear- about WHERE the snake was found! It was found in the back yard! Charles brought it in to 'SHOW' to me! LOL!

    To make matters worse, the very next day I looked out the kitchen window and saw another snake in the little garden area I have...a different kind of snake...Charles said it was a black - another non-poisonous snake!


  3. OOOPS! Skye,

    I meant to say a Black Racer...As the name implies, they move fast! Before I could get a picture, it RACED away!


  4. Yikes!! Just seeing a picture gives me the creepies!

    Lizards & snakes, you poor thing! I'd hate to contend with those too often. I haven't seen anything like them at our house here in town, but at the other house we did see a garden snake & blacksnake now & then. Lizards when it rained a week. We did get lots of frogs though, since we had a pond.

  5. Anonymous11:03 PM

    I don't think I told you my lizard story. Not too long ago I had just gotten home and was walking up to the front steps. About that time a lizard decided to commit suiside under my foot. Before I could stop the lizard was crunching and I was sliding. I had to wash it of of the front walk with the hose. Yuk


  6. I find it hard to kill anything anymore - but I will make an exception for a poisonous snake or a crow. ec

  7. ec,

    I have that problem too!
    But I DO want to rid my laundry room of these little lizards!

    I find crows very interesting birds! Of course we're not bothered with them at this time! When we had chickens we were!
    Crows always make me think of that Poe poem....
    but are crows and Ravens the same??? I'm not sure!

    ...but my mom liked to recite that poem for us , when we were kids!

  8. Hi Terry,

    :) no, you never told us that story! I'm glad you didn't fall!
    ...and poor lizard!!

    WELL....I stepped out one night, from the back porch and felt something very squishy...luckily I realized before I put all my wt. down! It was fat and round and squishy....a frog!!

    Lol- I don't know which of us were more pleased that I didn't complete that step!!! Can you imagine the mess...lol
    and it wouldn't have been that great for him either!! haha

    Hope to see you guys this week end!


  9. Carolyn,

    We have sooo many lizards...Lol- I think we brought them from Miami when we moved here 18 years ago!! We don't remember there being any on visits up here before that!!

    I don't mind the lizards if they will just stay out of my dang washing machine!! Happens so often it's become quite boring!!


  10. Like here in Oz I guess you would mainly get snakes in the hot weather June?

  11. Peter,

    Yes, I'm sure yer right about the snakes ...but our hot weather seems endless here!! I just know I've had more than my share of close encounters with 'wild things' this summer!!


  12. Hello June ~~ Sorry you have had more lizard problems. And the Snakes-- I do
    not think any people like them (except
    Charlie) I know I don't. You must have got pretty close for the photos as they are so clear. Yuk shudder. Thanks for your comments and glad you enjoy as I enjoy reading your blog. Take care and keep your eyes open !! Merle,

  13. Merle,

    Thanks for your comments.

    I didn't really have to get too close to that snake. I used the zoom on the camera! :) I did not touch it!!!

    I'll just have to keep my eyes open for those little lizards. It's not fun having them show up in my laundry! ...wasn't convient to use an insect bomb today- have a lot of laundry that needs to be done! Not sure that would get them but I suppose it would! They are small! I DO wish I could get rid of them some other way! :(

    Hope things are going well in your world!

