Thursday, August 03, 2006

'Afterglow' of Sarah

Hi, fellow bloggers,

Today has been a pretty good one, in spite of being involved in my most undesirable chore- that is- paying bills!
For a short while, after making a deposit, I feel almost RICH :) but the inevitable comes, oh, too soon. I have to sit down with my little book keeping stuff and check book and DO BILLS! You might think after 40 + years of doing this it would NOT be such an unpleasant task...but you would be wrong in assuming that! I detest the job and always have! Not that there are
more bills than $$$ to pay them, either!...(Well...having a $500.00 + electric bill this time IS pushing it to the limit!! Oh!...the price of keeping cool!! We just might have to give up toothpaste, soap or some others of our luxuries to continue to pay this kind of $$$!)
But-apart from the $$$ or lack of it... I just find the job a big pain!

The bright spot in the day is I am still in the 'Afterglow' of my very pleasant couple of hours of Sarah McLachlan music listening of late last night! :) Very relaxing to just let myself get caught up in her music!

I have trouble sleeping until very late, so music is a blessing to me!

Afterglow CD cover

Some lyrics from the ' Afterglow ' CD...

Dirty Little Secret

If I had the chance, love
I would not hesitate
To tell you all the things I never said before
Don't tell me it's too late

Cause I've relied on my illusions
To keep me warm at night
But I denied in my capacity to love
I am willing, to give up this fight...




  1. today was electric bill time for me too...Urrrrggggggg!!
    It has cooled down some since we had a thunderstorm just move through...that is a Godsend for poor Hubby that has to go into that hot factory tonight!

  2. We just had a little shower here, too!

    This has seemed like an unusually HOT summer to me! Seems like people in all parts of the country have been having hotter weather than usual!

    I'll be glad to have some cooler weather!

    ;) Looking forward to some motorcycle rides...We have riden very little in weeks- because of the hot weather!


  3. Hey Marc,

    Yes!! I gote the word from AOL- with e-mails to both our accounts! That's cool!! :)

    Can't wait to get switched over to broadband - or whatever it's called!! :) So get on home!

    I have been told I am missing out on a lot of music downloads on Youtube! Do you ever go there?

    ...I mean -good- vintage stuff like THE WHO- Genesis- ELP...lots of good music!! And Ringo's recent concerts! :)

    See you soon! Be careful!



  4. ...OOOPS!!


    gote=got! (in last message!)


  5. So true - not a good feeling to see the $$$ flying out the window to pay bills. ec

  6. As longas you keep the in pile higher than the out pile you'll be right June.

  7. I hate the bill paying too even though I now do most of it online.

    Our electric bills are high no matter how careful we are.

  8. Hello June ~~ I don't think too many of us like paying bills. Your power bill
    is huge, but that hopefully keeps you comfortable. Glad you liked the prayer
    etc. Thanks for your regular visits,
    Take care, Hugs, Merle.

  9. Thanks-all you folks for putting up with my complaining! :) Thanks for your visits and comments.

    I AM just very grateful we are able to pay those high bills for electric! Hopefully, there won't be too many more of those! In the winter our power bill goes WAY down-as the cold doesn't bother Chas. and me at all. I don't often need to use the heat!

  10. Yeah, the bills are a chore but once I get them paid I know I can have my peace just for a while till... I gotta pay again. What can one do? It's gotta be taken care of...
    Nice weekend, stop by my blog.

  11. Hi, Junie, here by way of Tammy. :-)

    I am a true Southern Girl, too, born, raised and still live in Northeast Arkansas. I am a Mama-taught Southern cook, and honestly, no kidding, your recipes look exactly like some of mine. Okay, most of mine! LOL I have lots of recipes I've clipped from magazines or packages, plus the handwritten ones I've gathered from friends and family. Those are the best ones. :-)

    We have a LOT in common, and I noticed our music tastes are very similar, too.

    Nice tameetcha, friend. :-)

  12. Hi Flash,

    Thanks for your visit.

    ....and you're right about the paying of bills- has to be done!

    I checked out your blog and fond it very interesting! I'll be back again.


  13. Hi Diane,

    It's always good to meet another southern girl. :)
    I'm sure I'll enjoy getting to know you through your blog!

    Thanks so much for stopping by.


  14. Hi Junie,
    My friend Tammy said I'd enjoy meeting you, and as usual she's right. I see another friend Diane came by too!
    I've enjoyed looking around and I'll be back when I have a bit more time, if that's ok?

  15. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Junie, I was born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida. My husband was born in Miami, and grew up in Tallahassee. What part of Florida do you hail from?

    Man, that's a big-un. Before we left Tennessee, (my old house) in the winter my electric was upwards of $300! I didn't have central heat and air. Now we do, and I'm thankful.

  16. Hi Sue,

    Thanks for stopping by and do come back as often as you can.

    I was at your site, too. Your last post is very good! That's such a worthy cause you're all involved in!

  17. Juryisout,

    We live in Ocala, which is not very far from Jacksonsville. (100 miles or so?...not sure because we don't go that way on our trips north)

    My family was from Alabama but we moved to Miami early in my life. I grew up there. We have lived here for about 18 years now! I love it here!

    We have central air here- but our house is big and 2 stories...Still-I about fainted at that huge $500.00 bill this month!

    Oh well- have to keep cool-whatever the cost! Hopefully, cooler weather will come before long!

    Thanks for visiting Junie's Place.
