Sunday, August 27, 2006

Dinner (Post #3)

You may be thinking, 'My goodness, that girl is really bored to be doing her of today!
You might be right....but please don't go so far as to say I'm obsessed! :)....or possessed, even!

I think of this blog as my

Dear Diary,

Just to let you know we had a good dinner, out . My sister called and invited Charles and me to join her and her husband for dinner-Also, Alli and Tina joined us! We all decided on Shell's, one of my favorite seafood restaurants. It was not overcrowded so we were able to have nice chitchat while we ate! As usual, the excellent bread and butter they bring before the meal and the appetizers we usually get, about filled me up before the actual meal arrived; making it necessary to bring a good part of my meal home! (And Chris didn't mind that at all) :)

...That 2 for 1 Zinfandel I always like with a fishmeal may have played a part too! (in filling me up!)
...Speaking of which.... I feel quite conspicuous, having my wine with my meal, while the others have just water! .... But I try to overcome these feelings for I truly do love a glass of wine (or 2) with my fish!

We left the restaurant, faced with a tremendous deluge! It took us all by surprise! Probably that dang storm brewing out there is bringing us all this rain!

Dear Diary, we all trudged through the rain to our cars and went our separate ways. Charles and I made in home in the downpour! I trust the others did, as well!

NOW!! I'll head over to You Tube for a little light music before I try for that elusive sleep!



  1. sleep is elusive for me this evening...bad headache all day long, I'm blaming the new blood pressure med...ugggggggg!!
    maybe I need to invest in one of those relaxing CD's!!

  2. Dear June ~~ Glad you had a nice evening out and survived the rain. It is most annoying when we type a post, lose it and then have to type it again.
    Thank you June for your kind words on the loss of my cousin, I appreciate them.Charles is having fun with the bulls, but why not??
    Thanks again June Take care, Love,Merle.

  3. Hi Tammy,

    I hope you got rid of that headache and was able to sleep.

    I didn't sleep well...feel all stiff and achey this morning!
    I was in bed earlier, too, but was awake several times during the night!

    :) speaking of good music- check out my Brian's songs on his website (see my sideboard) I love his music!


  4. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for coming to Junie's Place.
    Hope you're doing ok today. I know you're sad to have lost someone close to you. It's always hard.

    Take care,

