Friday, August 18, 2006


Charlie, the farmer!

This is Charles with his hay and Feed hauling deal! This is an almost constant job -making sure the cows have enough hay and Alfalfa cubes! If he has extra, there are plenty of horse and cow farmers around who need a little extra hay and feed!

This old trailer has been in use for about 30 years! ;) Believe it? Of course you do! Just look at it!

For me,
today was one of those LOOOONG uneventful ones! Rainy day, too, but that's a good thing! I did nothing but piddle around here- doing just little things, here and there! Looking and thinking of all the jobs I NEED to be doing...but NOT doing them!
Oh well! My life-my house- my jobs not done!

...and Charlie on his old John Deere!

Charlie went to look at a bull he's considering buying! He has the idea that ole Bo is getting too old to do his job with his herd of about 15-20 cows! This is a young bull he's looking at!
If Bo only knew what's brewing he might be more inclined to try harder...even with that cow - Janet Reno- whom he hates for some reason! Maybe it's the horns that turns him off!
Oh well, I can't get involved with all that cowboy stuff! That's Charlie's world! :) He works very hard as this picture shows! :)

This is a picture of Bo-AKA Little-Big Horn.

The black n white cow is Janet R.

( Just a day in the life on the farm!)



  1. Thanks for sharing pictures of your cows and the farm. My Dad has only 5 acres and a small John Deere. The grandkids and great grandkids love for him to give them rides. They call him "Tractor Grandpa"!

  2. Hello June ~~ Nice photos of Farmer Charles. I didn't know you had that much room for that many cows. What happens to the old bull ? The cow does look mean !!
    Thanks for your comments. I plan to
    make some Potato cakes tomorrow and some
    hamburgers. Close to shopping day (Tuesday) so getting down on supplies.
    Take care, Hugs, Merle.

  3. Hi Merle,

    We have 5 acres that our house and little rental house is on. We also have an additional 10 acres and a leased 10 acres where we have the cows.

    He hasn't made a decision on the bulls yet but I suppose Bo would be taken to the cattle auction which they have every Monday, near here! :(

    Am expecting some of my kids today so gotta run.

    Hope you're having a weekend.


  4. Sue,

    Our grandkids LOVED the farm here when they were growing up! We all had a lot of fun times!

    :( They're all grown up now. Our youngest is Allison and she will be 16 the day after Christmas!

    I miss them being little!


  5. That photo of Charlies leg had me a bit concerned June, you had been speaking of the bull and I wondered just what you had found to photograph.

  6. Hi Peter,

    :) That picture does look a bit gross,
    doesn't it!!

    It's the result of unloading a big load of loose hay on a very hot day!

    Charles does this almost every day. He has this deal with a feed supply store. He gets all their broken bales or damaged bags of feed (alfalfa cubes) FREE ! They can't sell it if it's not in top shape. Sometimes he gets loads of hay that have had one string broken in unloading...or feed or hay that has gotten wet, somehow, in the warehouse!! But often, it's loose hay!

    It works out well for all concerned. They were having to PAY someone to haul off the junk stuff before! :) Chas. gets several loads of hay and feed per week. It's hard work but he gets his herd of cows fed for free! :)

    One thing for sure- Charlie is not afraid of work!

    He's amazing!

    ( :) sorry for this long winded post but just wanted to explain things a little!)


  7. Merle,

    :) I just read over my message I wrote to you yesterday!

    :) I left out GOOD- so hope you had a GOOD WEEKEND!

    I was in a big rush!

