Sunday, August 27, 2006

Late Night Music -Aug.26...27

My music of last night was... a wide variety!!

Early in the evening I got into the late & great ( IMHO) Warren Zevon!
(There's a lot of his music to be found for viewing on YouTube!)

I also found some more Sarah McLachlan! I enjoy all of her songs so much!

Later in the evening I viewed some ELP ( a lot is available)...I find that Prog Rock music fascinating!

Ended- very late...or early in the AM - with Jethro Tull! They put on quite a show. I had seen little of them before last night!
LOL- It was definitely worth staying up late for! Am looking forward to MORE Tull soon!

:) Do I remind you of a kid in a candy store...wanting a taste of all the goodies?

Juniper Rose


  1. You are so (((excited)))!!!
    You are just like I was when I went high speed!!
    Only thing is blogger is giving me a fit today...this is the second time I've been by and tried to leave a comment!!

  2. Tammy,

    :)- yah- I been having blogging problems today, also!

    Lol- but I'm not one to give up !

