Saturday, August 05, 2006

Our Ride-8-5-'06

The HOT-HOT weather has kept us from riding the past several weeks, but we decided to give it a go today.
It was very nice on the first part of our ride. We left home kinda early-around 8:30. It was a little breezy! :) I made some Self- Portraits as we were riding!! :) Silly me!!

We rode out to our Hardee's for my favorite Chicken-Biscuit.
Here we are doing our thing!

We seldom go out that way without stopping for a few minutes, remembering Mom!

The ride home was hot! We didn't stay out long!
It's always good to get back home! (However overgrown that yard is, or how much that hedge needs a trim!)



  1. Hardee's...they don't have any up here in Ohio!!! Not in our town anyway...chicken n' biscuit sounds good!!

  2. Hi Tammy,

    Hardee's, I think, are just in the southern states!
    We only have ONE in Ocala- tho, we used to have 3 others.

    They have always been my favorite fast food breakfast!

    I love the chicken biscuits with just a bit of the sausage gravy on it- that my husband gets!

    Very good!! :)

    BTW- Thanks for sending all those blogger girls my way!! :)

    I plan to put you on my blog roll soon- just don't feel up to it right now!
    (Lol- not that you are suffering from lack of visitors anyway!! haha)


  3. My favorite pic is the self-portrait!! Hee hee... it's fun to take silly pictures. You do have a beautiful house, Junie, whether the hedges are trimmed or not!

  4. Hi Skye,

    Lol- I have fun doing those close up photos! :) I have to keep the camera strap around my neck, so as not to drop it, while riding!...sooo the pics ar all close up and funny looking!

    Thanks...about my house! It's been home to us for the past 18 years. My grandkids all grew up here- or were HERE a great part of the time!


  5. Junie,
    Thanks for stopping in to see me and I'm back again. What a lovely picture of you! Please accept my sincere sympathy on the loss of your beloved Mom. I lost my Mom in 2002. I visit her resting place often too.
    Wishing you every blessing in the week ahead...

  6. Sue,

    Thanks very much for visiting.

    It's been 3 1/2 years since we lost mom at age 94. I miss her very much, still. And you, of course, understand-as you have gone through the same thing.

    ...One of my blog sites is devoted totally to my mom and my early memories of her-It's on the sidebar if you'd like to read some of it! It seemed to help me get through some of the grief to write about her and our early life. (It starts from my earliest memories...)


  7. Dear June~~ Glad you and Charles had a nice ride and visited your mother's
    grave. The photos are lovely and your home looks so nice. A much happier day than yesterdat. Take Care,Hugs, Merle.

  8. Merle,

    Yes, it was a nice ride. We'll both be glad when it gets cooler so we can take longer rides.

    Hope things are well in your world today.

