Sunday, August 06, 2006

Poem: The Ones We Love (post#2 of today)

The Ones We Love

The years have gone so quickly.
Unseeing - unaware-
we stood in our own ignorance,
blind to what was there.

Basking in the moment,
of love - security!
Not noticing the changes,
we now, so, plainly see.

We thought because we loved them,
(and always let them know)
that fact would help in smoothing
the ways they chose to go.

They’re flung into life’s fickleness,
not tethered anymore.
Each day we see they’ve drifted
much farther than before.

We fight this helpless feeling...
( no longer can deny…)
that we can’t help them anymore,
no matter how we try.

June Kellum
August 6, 2006


  1. Dear June ~~ Loved your poem and have copied it, thank you. Also Brian's
    song is lovely. Even though it is about
    more pain. I hope his cd goes well, and
    his photo is so cute. Thanks for your
    comments. Take care Hugs, Merle.

  2. Merle,

    Thanks! I'm happy you enjoy my poems.
    This one is a bit sad...just thinking of my kids (grandkids) all grown up and not yet settled into'm like my Mom-a worrier!

    I have always loved that pic of Brian! In the original, the pic was very dark-but what a pleasant surprise, when I worked with it in the picture program it came out so much better!
    It was so funny , the way that butterfly lit on his hat...and stayed there while we went and got the camera! :)

    The CD sounds really good...hope he can get it OUT to be heard! All of is songs have a subtle religious message.
