Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Today ! Oh,my! What a day!

Today was such a frustrating day!!

Marc was here much of the day- doing stuff to my computer! Had to reinstall some things for me! We also found the phone line was very worn (Or chewed by a cat-or something)... amazing that I was EVER getting online- or that we ever received a phone call! Marc replaced the line and a battery in my computer...and after hours of fooling and fiddlin'- got the sucker working- somewhat!! :) - Later-tho, I discovered he had the date set one day ahead...so I was STILL having a problem getting on! I re- set the time-and here I am!

Hopefully, tomorrow, my high-speed will be connected!...Only time will tell how that goes for me...(This non-computer savvy person that I am... :( ...this little ole lady who hates change!! ) :( Hope it's not too different and scary for me!! And hope I can still find my familiar places without a problem!

Here's Marc - my computer guy- my SIL! (Thanks, Marc)


I went with Charles to get the new , young bull! His name is Bubba! Where we had to go is waaay out in the pineywoods and palmettos! Every property out that way has KEEP OUT signs! Folks are not too friendly out that way, we decided! Nothing but winding dirt roads... This is where we got Bubba, the young bull.

We saw a couple of these along the dirt roads!
This is a Gopher Tortoise! They are on the endangered list in Florida!
Here's a website with some interesting info!



This is Bubba, after we got him in his new pasture at our place! He liked all that lush, green grass!

Charles is quite impressed with Bubba, I think! :)
We'll see how he works out in the next few months!
Meantime, we will keep BO in the big pasture-with most of the cows. Plan to move 3 of the young girls in with Bubba in the next few days!

LOL!... ( Our life on the farm!)

Junie Rose


  1. You will so much enjoy DSL once the bugs are worked out of it - we've had it for several years and can't imagine being without it. Bubba does look pretty serious. :) ec

  2. Thanks, EC,

    :) I know it seems silly for me to be so apprehensive of this change!...but -it's just ME! :) I must be the last person still on dial-up! hahaha

    Yes,'BUBBA', think - will be a fine bull!


  3. Oops!

    ...meant to say...We think-Bubba will be a fine bull!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. You'll love the high speed connection!
    Bubba does look like a "fine bull", but I must admit I don't know fine from not so fine LOL!!!

  6. There's a lotta bull in that last photo June, (sorry Charles.)

  7. You'll be fine with the high speed Junie. It will be quicker and you'll love it...it won't be confusing to you. I'm really glad Marc came out and fixed these problems beforehand, or who knows what a mess that could have presented. Looks like you're all set. It will be great Junie!

  8. I have no idea why but I am horrified of cows and sure would not be anywhere near Bubba...YIKES!!!
    Keep a good sturdy fence betwix us and I'll be fine!!
    Hope all goes well with your high speed hook-up!!

  9. Hi Peter,

    : ) Chas said yesterday, 'I'm bigger than my bull!....and I said 'No BULL!!' :)

  10. Hi Tammy,

    Bubba is very tame and gentle in spite of those horns!


    Well- I'm on!!! :)


  11. Thanks Joy!!

    I seem to be up and running now!


  12. Hi June ~~ How approprate that I posted the bull joke, just when you got the bull. I hope you are right now with the
    DSL. So glad that Marc came to help you.
    Take care, Love, Merle.

  13. Hi Merle,

    Yes, I seem to be ok with the DSL-although I still get on thru AOL- I need some things explained to me still! LOL- anyway- have been checking out some YouTube music videos that a friend told me about! They load up in seconds....couldn't view them at all before!

