Saturday, August 26, 2006

Wonderful world of music!

Last night I again watched music videos late into the night!

I watched some superb performances of Early Genesis! What a fantastic group of musicians they were in those early days!
I just sat spellbound while viewing several of the videos I found!

To top the night off I found several live performances of Sarah McLachlan!
Sarah has such a natural and pleasing way of singing-and writes such wonderful songs!!
None better than Sarah-IMHO!

This is so much fun...all this music I'm viewing! :)


We have no plans for the day, far as I know!

Charles has gone to do his 'cowboy stuff!' He's still quite taken with the new bull, but still has him on a long rope until he can make the fence more secure! Hope soon we can put some of the young cows with him! He must be lonely with no company !

Bubba's history is that he was rejected by his mother and was bottle-fed from one day old by a couple of ladies who shared ownership of him! He's very gentle and tame. I hope he stays that way!



  1. Glad to hear you've got girl friends planned for Bubba. His feelings of rejection are just starting.
    I just recently switched to a satelite for high speed. Wow what a difference. We couldn't get high speed here. We're almost 10 miles from town.
    Neat blog you've got here. Thanks for the visit.

  2. Hi Cliff,

    Thanks for stopping by! I have seen you around other blogs I visit so thought I'd check you out,too! :) Enjoyed your blog so I'll check in now and then.

    LOL....I just got DSL too, as you probably gathered. It's fun!! BUT...instead of giving me more time I find that this time I have gained is taken up with doing more and more fun computer stuff!! :( But, heck- it's my hobby now- so why worry!

    Yep- Bubba is still without the girls in his pasture- but soon he'll be having some company!

