Saturday, September 30, 2006

...and here I go to give it my best shot!

My watch says 11:07 - my computer says 11:06 - my big wall clock says -10:59...
Whatever the REAL time is I know it’s time for me to make a stab at that sleep which will enable me to get up by 6:30 tomorrow! (For the trip to Orlando-and my daughter's birthday celebration!)

...Tonight there's to be no hesitating! Two 'ifs' 'ands' or 'b-b-buts' about it!

Lol- If that old soft bed tries to swallow me- I'll never know it!

See ya later!

Night-all! ZZZZzzzzzz



  1. Hi Ann,

    I DID manage to sleep but woke very early- before 5:00!

    Hope you're doing ok


  2. Glad you got some sleep. Enjoy your brunch today...

  3. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I know the can't sleep feeling. here in Chicago, I finally got into a really sound sleep and then the hotel fire alarm went off. Even though it was a false alarm, sleeping for the next few hours was out of the question.

    Have a great time at your daghter's birthday.

  4. I don't have any problems falling asleep or staying asleep, but my son and my hubby both have to battle insomnia.
    It makes me so sad to hear them say they couldn't sleep until 2 or 3 or even 4 a.m.
    I hope your Tylenol P.M. did the trick.
    I enjoyed all the photos below.
    Have a safe trip and a very fun time!!
    Happy Birthday to Tammy!!

  5. Hope your trip and time with your daughter were joyous. ec

  6. Great weather for visiting Orlando. Hope you had a great time.
    Next time you come down this way say hey.

  7. Hey Doug,

    It was a really beautiful day in Orlando and we had a great time!

    ( I'll be posting some pics of our day a bit later)

    We were at the 'House of Blues' then spent some time walking and looking at the shops- lol- of course, didn't buy much! Who can afford to shop there!!

    Later we went back to my daughter's house.

    They live in College Park area...Is that near where you are?

    :) would be funny if you're neighbors with them!


  8. Hi Jamie,

    I was able to get to sleep but just knowing I had to be up early- woke up-on my own- a little before 5:00AM-

    I'm sorry both your husband and son have trouble sleeping, too! It's not fun!

    Lol- but that's ok- We had a real fun day.
    Tammy had a Happy Birthday!


  9. ec,

    Thanks so much.

    We all had a great time!


  10. Maria,

    That has to be bad wake from a sound sleep from a fire alarm! Yikes! Happy it was a false one!

    We had a fun day and hopefully, I will post about it and put on some pics a little later tonight!

    It was a good day!


  11. Lullaby and goodnight!!
    Sleep tight lil' Junie!!

  12. oops...I guess you are bad!!
    See ya tomorrow!!

  13. Lol- yes ,Tammy, I'm back....but don't think I'll make a post til tomorrow!
    I'm working with the pics we took- sending them to my daughter,' Tammy!'

    I guess yer 'Boo' is for Halloween...but it's kinda funny because our Tammy was called 'Tammy Boo' when she was little! :)

    Catch ya later...I LOVE HALLOWEEN! plan to post a bunch of pictures of my kids through the years!!

